英国BRE实验室在防火、LPCB消防、烟雾、毒性测试认证方面都处于世界领先地位,英国建筑研究院BRE实验室具有多种资质。BRE Global实验室是英国皇家认可委员会认可的实验室,其UKAS编号为: UKAS0578。
英国BRE实验室通过ISO17025实验室资质认可的实验室,同时还是英国皇家认可委员会UKAS认可实验室,其UKAS编号为: UKAS 0578。英国BRE实验室还是盟公告号实验室成员。
BS 476:PART 3: 2004 - External Fire exposure roof test BS 476:PART 4:1970 - Non-combustibility test for materials BS 476:PART 5: 1979 - Method of test of ignitability BS 476:PART 6: 1989 - Method of test for propagation for products BS 476:PART 7: 1997 - Surface spread of flame test for materials BS 476:PART 11: 1982 - Method for assessing the heat emission from building materials BS 476:Part 12:1991 - Ignitability of Products by Direct Flame Impingement BS 476:Part 15:1992 - Method for measuring heat release of products - Cone Calorimeter BS 6401 - Smoke density test BS 6853: 1999: Annex B.1 - Toxicity test BS 6853: 1999: Annex B.2 - Determination Of Weighted Summation Of Toxic Fume, R. Area Based Test Method. BS 6853: 1999: Annex D.8.3 - Small Scale Smoke Test BS 6853: 1999: Annex D.8.4 - Panel Smoke Test BS 6853: 1999: Annex D.8.5 - Seating Smoke Test BS 6853: 1999: Annex D.8.6 - Flooring Smoke Test BS 6853: 1999: Annex D.8.7 - Cable Smoke Test
更多关于英国UKAS资质的BRE实验室的详细内容及测试项目,请咨询南京睿督公司 南京睿督公司全国免费咨询电话:025-8658 3475 400-603-6575 网址:www.fire-test.com 邮箱:info@fire-test.com ... |