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首页   政策法规   Marine certification-Wheelmark-MED 2014/90/EU

Marine certification-Wheelmark-MED 2014/90/EU

Warringtonfire offers UKAS accredited certification from its Warrington office and is able to provide certification schemes for products and personnel.

Warringtonfire is also a Notified Body under the Marine Equipment Directive (MED) and is therefore able to provide the necessary marine certification (Wheelmark) and testing to give approval for products for use in vessels sailing in European waters or which are European registered.

Marine certification is a unique route to market, as once you are certified and, on the register, you have a direct line to potential customers.

The first step for marine certification for fire protection equipment is to submit a request for services to the Notified Body which must include documentation relating to the product and its nature dependent on the Modules selected.

The product is then subject to "sample selection" and tested and if the criteria within the Fire Test Procedure Code are met, the Notified Body issues EC Type Examination Certification.

While the product is selected, the Notified Body (or another if required by the manufacturer) reviews the quality assurance systems of the manufacturer.

If the Notified Body is satisfied that the requirements of Modules D, E or F are met, they will then issue a Quality Assurance Certificate of Conformity and registers the product in the www.mared.org website.

On receipt of this and the Type Examination Certificate, the manufacturer himself affixes the Mark of Conformity (Wheelmark) to the product and issues a Declaration of Conformity.

Check the Wheelmark database for a list companies registered.

Other types of marine certification

USCG Approval

In 2005, the signing of an MRA between the European Commission and the USCG meant that a Type Approvals and Quality Audits conducted in Europe would have validity in the USA and vice versa.

Certificates are issued which have USCG approval numbers attached.

Other Flag States

Warringtonfire acts under the authority of the Maritime Coastguard Agency in issuing Type Examination certificates and therefore many (although not all) Flag States recognize the certificates Warringtonfire issues.

Warringtonfire has also worked to obtain recognition in its own right with other Flag States and can now act on behalf of Canada in conducting all the preparatory work prior to Canadian Transport issuing its Approvals.

MED船舶认证-船舶设备指令Wheel Mark认证http://www.fire-test.com/teststandard/imo/12511.html

欧洲船级社MED/Wheel Mark舵轮标志


MED指令中涉及的所有设备,都要求应该贴上“Wheel Mark” 的舵轮标签。MED认证的Wheel Mark舵轮标志,附于符合船用设备指令的产品上,由舵轮、公告机构NB的标识号、产品出厂年份的最后两位数字组成。

南京睿督提供欧洲船级社认可的MED认证报告及证书,南京睿督全流程协助船舶企业Module B抽样型式测试 + Module D工厂审查过程控制。更多关于地毯MED认证,地板类材料MED认证,请咨询南京睿督公司。

南京睿督公司咨询电话:025-86583475  400-603-6575
www.fire-test.com   www.fire-test.cn
邮箱:info@fire-test.com   fanghuo@vip.163.com

 来源:防火网 发布时间:1/8/2021 点击次数:1161

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