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首页   政策法规   EWCL5 – Certification & Warringtonfire

EWCL5 – Certification & Warringtonfire

EWCL5 certification scheme-ETS 001 Technical Schedule for the Fire Performance of Construction Products and Building Elements,The EWCL5 scheme gives confidence to specifiers, enforcement authorities and building owners and occupiers that products provided by manufacturers are of the same specification as successfully tested/assessed.

The EWCL5 scheme requires manufacturers to produce products/systems to a successfully tested construction, the manufacture of which is regularly audited to ensure consistency of production.

The records of manufacture are kept and these are related to labels for each product available solely from Warringtonfire certification. Each label carries a unique number which is referenced back to the manufactured product enabling full traceability from the site back to the manufacturer's records.

Why EWCL5?

The scope of the certification is based upon the tested and assessed construction and enables the specifier or enforcement authority to check the suitability of a product for the intended end-use application.

The full product approval process document containing the rules and procedures for the scheme can be requested by emailing ewcl@warringtonfire.com

Check the EWCL5 database for a list companies registered.

Other Flag States

Warringtonfire acts under the authority of the Maritime Coastguard Agency in issuing Type Examination certificates and therefore many (although not all) Flag States recognize the certificates Warringtonfire issues.

Warringtonfire has also worked to obtain recognition in its own right with other Flag States and can now act on behalf of Canada in conducting all the preparatory work prior to Canadian Transport issuing its Approvals.

南京睿督公司为英国Warringtonfire实验室授权合作机构,专业提供英国UKAS资质的BS476 Class 0,Certifire认证,WheelMark, ETA, TS19, TS30,EWCL4等认证。

南京睿督公司咨询电话:025-8658 3475   400-603-6575

 来源:防火网 发布时间:1/8/2021 点击次数:1123

 上一条: Bushfire testing services & NATA AS1530.8.2& AS1530.8.1

 下一条: Marine certification-Wheelmark-MED 2014/90/EU
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