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EN ISO 9239-1:2010地
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首页   CPR认证   BS EN 1154 & BS EN 1155 – CE Marking DOOR CLOSERS

BS EN 1154 & BS EN 1155 – CE Marking DOOR CLOSERS

√BS EN 1154: Controlled Door Closing Devices
The standard provides details on product types, classification by use, test cycles, door mass, corrosion resistance, as well as definitions, product performance requirements, test apparatus, test methods and marking of products. In addition, the published standards include annexes illustrating the various points made through diagrams and supplementary text.

Products included within the standard are illustrated below and include a wider range than covered by BS6459.

BS EN 1154 classifies door furniture by using an 6 digit coding system. A similar classification applies to all building hardware product standards so that complementary items of hardware can be specified to, for instance, a common level of corrosion resistance, category of use, etc. Each digit refers to a particular feature of the product measured against the standard’s performance requirements.

◆Digit 1 – Category of use
For all internal and external doors for use by the public, and others, with little incentive to take care, i.e. where there is some chance of misuse of the door.

– grade 3: For closing doors from at least 105° open
– grade 4: For closing doors from 180° open

Note 1: Grade 4 classification assumes standard installation according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Note 2: For applications subject to extremes of abuse, or for particular limitations of opening angle, door closers incorporating a backcheck function or provision of a separate door stop should be considered.

◆Digit 2 – Number of test cycles
Only one test duration is identified for door closers manufactured to this standard:
– grade 8: 500 000 test cycles

◆Digit 3 – Test door mass/size
Seven test door mass grades and related door closer power sizes are identified according to table 1 of this standard. Where a door closer provides a range of power sizes both the minimum and the maximum sizes shall be identified.

◆Digit 4 – Fire behavior
Two grades of fire behavior are identified for door closing devices manufactured to this standard:

– grade 0: Not suitable for use on fire/smoke door assemblies
– grade 1: Suitable for use on fire/smoke door assemblies, subject to satisfactory assessment of the contribution of the door closer to the fire resistance of specified fire/smoke assemblies. Such assessment is outside the scope of this European Standard (see EN 1634-1).

◆Digit 5 – Safety
All door closers are required to satisfy the Essential Requirement of safety in use. Therefore only grade 1 is identified.

◆Digit 6 – Corrosion resistance
Five grades of corrosion resistance are identified according to EN 1670:

– grade 0: No defined corrosion resistance
– grade 1: Mild resistance
– grade 2: Moderate resistance
– grade 3: High resistance
– grade 4: Very high resistance

◆CE marking
Door closers intended for use on fire resisting doors and smoke control doors are covered by a Construction Products Directive mandate issued by the European Commission. Consequently, this standard is regarded as a “harmonised” standard and compliance with it, supported by suitable evidence, allows the application of the CE mark.

√BS EN 1155 – Electrically powered hold-open devices for swing doors
The standard provides details on product types, classification by use, test cycles, door mass, corrosion resistance, as well as definitions, product performance requirements, test apparatus, test methods and marking of products. In addition, the published standard includes annexes illustrating the various points made through diagrams and supplementary text.

This European standard specifies requirements for separate hold-open devices and also for hold-open mechanisms incorporated in a door closer. Electrically powered hold-open devices for swing doors manufactured according to this European standard can hold a swing door at a fixed position or can allow the door to swing freely. In each case interruption of the electrical supply will cause the controlled door to close positively.

Electrically powered hold-open devices manufactured in accordance with this European standard are recommended for use wherever there is a requirement for reliable hold-open and release of self-closing fire/smoke door assemblies.

Whilst these devices can incorporate smoke or fire detection elements, the performance of those particular elements is outside the scope of this European standard.

BS EN 1155 classifies door furniture by using an 6 digit coding system. A similar classification applies to all building hardware product standards so that complementary items of hardware can be specified to, for instance, a common level of corrosion resistance, category of use, etc. Each digit refers to a particular feature of the product measured against the standard’s performance requirements.

◆Digit 1 – Category of use
Only one category of use is identified for electrically powered hold-open devices.
– grade 3: for doors for use by the public, and others, with little incentive to take care, i.e. where there is some chance of misuse of the door.
Note: for electrically powered hold-open and free-swing door closers, where the opening angle is limited by the device, provision of a separate door stop should be considered.

◆Digit 2 – Number of test cycles
Two test duration are identified for devices manufactured to this European standard:
– grade 5: 50 000 test cycles. For all electrically powered hold-open devices
– grade 8: 500 000 test cycles. For all electrically powered hold-open and free-swing door closers and devices that contain operating arms.

◆Digit 3 – Test door mass
Five door mass grades and related hold-open power sizes are identified according to Table 1 of this European standard.
Where an electrically powered hold-open device is suitable for a range of door closer power sizes, both the minimum and maximum power sizes shall be shown.

◆Digit 4 – Fire resistance
Only one grade of fire resistance is identified for electrically powered hold-open devices manufactured to this European standard:
– grade 1: Suitable for use on fire/smoke door assemblies subject to satisfactory assessment of the contribution of the electrically powered hold-open device to the fire resistance of specified fire/smoke door assemblies. Such assessment is outside the scope of this European standard (see EN 1634-1).

◆Digit 5 – Safety
Electrically powered hold-open devices are required to satisfy the Essential Requirement of safety in use. Therefore only grade 1 is identified.

◆Digit 6 – Corrosion resistance
Five grades of corrosion resistance are identified in accordance with EN 1670:
– grade 0: no defined corrosion resistance.
– grade 1: mild resistance.
– grade 2: moderate resistance.
– grade 3: high resistance.
– grade 4: very high resistance.

Electrically powered hold open devices intended for use on fire resisting doors and smoke control doors are covered by a Construction Products Directive mandate issued by the European Commission. Consequently, this standard is regarded as a “harmonised” standard and compliance with it, supported by suitable evidence, allows the application of the CE mark.

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 来源:防火网  发布时间:9/12/2023  点击次数:713

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