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首页   美国   ASTM C673耐火粘土及高矾土塑性耐火材料及捣实混合物标准分类

ASTM C673耐火粘土及高矾土塑性耐火材料及捣实混合物标准分类

ASTM C673 Standard Classification of Fireclay and High-Alumina Plastic Refractories and Ramming Mixes
ASTM C673 耐火粘土及高矾土塑性耐火材料及捣实混合物标准分类
This classification defines a group of classes for use by those producing or purchasing fireclay and high-alumina plastic refractories and ramming mixes. Each class is limited by PCE, or alumina content, or both. This classification is frequently used as a specification when the properties shown in Table 1 are the only items specified.

1. Scope
1.1 This classification covers fireclay and high-alumina plastic refractories and ramming mixes that can be pounded or rammed into place to form a monolithic structure. The terms “plastic” and“ ramming mix” are generally intended to describe the workability of the material. In this regard, plastics are considered to be materials having a workability index of more than 15 % in accordance with Test Method C 181, while ramming mixes generally have less than 15 % workability by the same procedure.

2. Referenced Documents (purchase separately)
ASTM Standards
ASTM C24 Test Method for Pyrometric Cone Equivalent (PCE) of Fireclay and High Alumina Refractory Materials
ASTM C181 Test Method for Workability Index of Fireclay and High-Alumina Plastic Refractories
Index Terms
classification; fireclay plastic refractories; fireclay ramming mixes; high-alumina plastic refractories; high-alumina ramming mixes; workability; Refractories (fireclay); Refractories (plastic); Refractories (ramming mixes); Classification (standards)--refractories; High-alumina plastic refractories;



 来源:防火网 发布时间:12/26/2013 点击次数:2859

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