NFPA 130-2023, Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems
NFPA 130标准包括所有的地铁、轨道交通工具、铁路系统的防火要求。NFPA130标准制定的目的就是建立统一的有轨列车及铁路客运体系的最低防火及其危险的要求。最新版本已更到NFPA 130:2020(NFPA130-2017)。NFPA130标准将更新为NFPA130:2023,南京睿督公司专业从事车辆及建材防火烟毒检测十多年,在防火领域拥有丰富经验,美标NFPA130-2020最新版本标准内容,我将为您详细解读,咨询电话:025-8658 3475, 网址
NFPA 130:2020 固定轨道交通和客运轨道系统标准
NFPA 130:2020 Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems
NFPA130:2020最新版本防火烟毒测试标准根据车辆材料最终用途不同(地板类材料、一般轨道车辆类材料、弹体性材料、座椅类材料等)其NFPA130测试项目及测试标准也不同。具体车辆材料NFPA130的测试内容,请咨询南京睿督公司025-8658 3475。
ASTM E162表面燃烧性能测试
ASTM E662烟密度测试
ASTM E648地板临界热量测试
BSS 7239毒性测试
NFPA 130-2023, Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems
NFPA 130-2023 Description
Access the most current requirements for fire protection and life safety in mass transit systems with the 2023 edition of NFPA 130, Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems.
The potential for injury and entrapment in the event of an emergency in mass transportation facilities poses a significant risk to large numbers of people. NFPA 130, Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems, offers the latest provisions for underground, surface, and elevated fixed guideway transit and passenger rail systems, including stations, trainways, emergency ventilation systems, vehicles, emergency procedures, and communication and control systems.
NFPA 130 is a valuable resource for helping station and company managers, supervisors, safety personnel, inspectors, and authorities having jurisdiction be aware of and comply with essential life safety provisions. The standard pertains to stations accommodating only passengers and employees of the fixed guideway transit and passenger rail systems and incidental occupancies in the stations.
Notable changes to the 2023 edition include:
Two new annexes: Annex G provides information regarding onboard fire suppression systems, and Annex H provides recommendations on the roles and responsibilities of authorities and designers, as well as guidance on projects that span multiple jurisdictions with potentially competing requirements
A new section on stops
Clarification of passive and active fire protection requirements
Updates on egress requirements and egress component performance
Revised platform load calculations, vehicle material testing requirements, and fire alarm system and command center requirements
Clarification on ventilation equipment listing, testing, and acceptance requirements, as well as changes to wiring requirements.
From requirements for fire alarms in enclosed stations and materials used as interior wall and ceiling finishings to scenarios and methodologies used for predicting fire profiles and calculating means of egress, NFPA 130, Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems, is your comprehensive standard for helping to safeguard the railways. Place your order for the 2023 edition today. (Print, 81 pp., 2023)
南京睿督咨询电话:025-8658 3475 400-603-6575
来源:防火网 发布时间:6/22/2022 点击次数:959
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