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电缆UNI CEI 11170-3防火测试_电线电缆UNI CEI 11170-3测试

用于地铁、动车、高铁的轨道交通车辆的电线电缆需要根据UNI CEI 11170-3标准进行测试。电线电缆UNI CEI 11170-3测试主要关注于单根电缆燃烧测试,多根成束燃烧测试,烟密度,气体的腐蚀性,燃烧气体的酸性等等,更多电线电缆UNI CEI 11170-3测试,请咨询中国防火网400-666-7290。

UNI CEI 11170-3: Guidelines for railway vehicle protection for tramways and with guided rail. Part 3: Assessment of fire behaviour of materials, acceptance limits。The standard supersedes the SS UNI E10.02.977.3:2001 standard.
UNI CEI 11170-3:轨道车辆防护的指导.第3部分:材料的防火性能评估,接受限度。此标准替代SS UNI E10.02.977.3:2001标准。

根据车辆的操作运行及设计类型,火灾的危险等级可以划分为LR1-LR4(LR1, LR2, LR3, LR4)。LR4等级表示火灾风险要求最高。

电线电缆UNI CEI 11170-3测试项目及测试标准
CEI EN 50266 电线电缆垂直燃烧测试
CEI EN 50305电线电缆垂直燃烧测试
CEI EN 50265-1/ CEI EN 50265-2-1 / CEI EN 50265-2-2 电缆垂直燃烧测试
CEI EN 50305 燃烧气体的酸性及腐蚀性测试
CEI EN 50268-2 烟密度测试及毒性测试
CEI 20-37/7烟密度测试及毒性测试
UNI EN ISO 1716 热释放量测试/燃烧热值测试

电线电缆UNI CEI 11170-3相关标准
UNI CEI 11170-1: Guidelines for railway vehicle protection for tramways and with guided rail. Part 1: General principles.
UNI CEI 11170-1:轨道车辆防护的指导.第1部分:总原则。

UNI CEI 11170-2: Guidelines for railway vehicle protection for tramways and with guided rail. Part 2: Design criteria-measures for fire restringing-Signalling, control and evacuation systems.
UNI CEI 11170-2:轨道车辆防护的指导.第2部分: 设计标准灭火措施更换导线信号,控制和疏散系统。

UNI CEI 11170-3: Guidelines for railway vehicle protection for tramways and with guided rail. Part 3: Assessment of fire behaviour of materials, acceptance limits。
UNI CEI 11170-3:轨道车辆防护的指导.第3部分:材料的防火性能评估,接受限度。

CEI 20-37/7: Test performed on the gas emitted during the combustion of electric cables and materials, part 7: Determining the degree of toxicity of the gas released from the cables.
CEI 20-37/7: 电线电缆燃烧时气体释放的测试,第7部分:毒性测试

CEI EN 50265-1: Common test methods for cables being set on fire-testing the non-vertical flame propagation on one single insulated cable or conductor-part 1: Test equipment.
CEI EN 50265-1: 在着火条件下电缆的一般测试方法单个绝缘导体或电缆耐火焰垂直传播试验第1部分:装置.

CEI EN 50265-2-1: Common test methods for cables being set on fire-testing the non-vertical flame propagation on one single insulated cable or conductor-part 2-1: Test procedures-pre-mixed 1kw flame.
CEI EN 50265-2-1: 失火情况下电缆和绝缘导线性能的一般检验方法.单芯和单股电缆上垂直火焰扩展的试验.第2-1部分:检验方法

CEI EN 50265-2-2: Common test methods for cables being set on fire-testing the non-vertical flame propagation on one single insulated cable or conductor-part 2-1: Test procedures-diffuse flame.
CEI EN 50265-2-2: 在着火条件下电缆的一般测试方法单个绝缘导体或电缆耐火焰垂直传播试验第2-2部分:扩散火焰方法.

CEI EN 50266: Common test methods for cables being set on fire-Testing the vertical flame propagation on wire or cable harnesses fitted in vertical position.
CEI EN 50266: 电线电缆的垂直燃烧测试

CEI EN 50267-2-1: Common test method for cables being set on fire-tests performed on the gas emitted during the combustion of materials collected from the cables-Part 2-1: Test procedures-Determining the amount of gaseous halogen acid.
CEI EN 50267-2-1: 电线电缆燃烧试验,第2-1部分:气态卤酸测试流程

CEI EN 50267-2-1: Common test method for cables being set on fire-tests performed on the gas emitted during the combustion of materials collected from the cables-Part 2-2: Test procedures-Determining the degree of acidity (corrosiveness) of the gas released from the materials by measuring the pH and the conductivity..
CEI EN 50267-2-2: 电线电缆燃烧试验,第2-1部分:气体酸性(腐蚀性)测试.

CEI EN 50268-2: Common test method for cables being set on fire-measuring the smoke density of cables burning under defined conditions-Part 2: Test procedures.
CEI EN 50268-2: 电线电缆燃烧试验-烟密度测试.

CEI EN 50305: Railway, tramway, trolleybus and underground applications-cables featuring special requirements under fire conditions-test methods.
CEI EN 50305: 轨道,有轨电车,无轨电车和地铁的应用-电线电缆在燃烧条件瞎的特殊要求.

CEI EN 50306-1: Railway, tramway, trolleybus and underground applications-Rolling stock cables featuring special fire behaviour characteristics-small thickness-Part 1: General prescriptions.
CEI EN 50306-1:铁路线缆的特殊燃烧性能-小厚度,第1部分:一般描述

CEI EN 50306-2: Railway, tramway, trolleybus and underground applications-Rolling stock cables featuring special fire behaviour characteristics-small thickness-Part 2: single-pole cables.
CEI EN 50306-2: 铁路线缆的特殊燃烧性能-小厚度,第2部分:单芯电缆

更多电线电缆UNI CEI 11170-3测试,请咨询中国防火网




 来源:防火网 发布时间:6/3/2013 点击次数:3836

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