CAN/UIC-S130-M87:松散填充绝缘材料引燃性能测试 CAN/UIC-S130-M87:Standard Method of Test for Ignition Resistance of Loose Fill Insulation (Cigarette Method)
CAN/UIC-S130-M87摘要 This Standard applies to cellulose fibre loose fill thermal insulation suitable for indoor use in building construction within the temperature range of -60 to 90 oC.Insulation material conforming to this Standard is suitable for pouring by hand or for blowing through specially designed equipment. When so specified by the manufacturer, a particular product may be suitable for both methods of application.
更多防火阻燃测试认证,请咨询中国防火网 电话:400-666-7290 网址 邮箱