加拿大标准CAN/ULC-S145 Full Scale Room Test全尺寸室角试验,CAN/ULC-S145试验方法的目的是确定泡沫覆盖物对火灾增长的贡献,更多关于加拿大标准CAN/ULC S145,CAN/ULC S102,CAN/ULC S134等标准测试,请咨询南京睿督公司,咨询电话:025-8658 3475。
CAN/ULC-S145 Standard Method of Test for the Evaluation of Protective Coverings for Foamed Plastic Insulation-Full Scale Room Test
CAN/ULC-S145 泡沫塑料绝缘保护层评定的标准试验方法——全尺寸室内试验
The purpose of this test method is to determine the contribution to fire growth of protective coverings over foamed plastic insulation when tested in a Full-Scale Room Test in accordance with CAN/ULC-9705, Fire Tests - Full-Scale Room Test for Surface Products, except as specified in this Standard.
This test method measures the time to flashover under specified test conditions. Provisions are made to measure smoke obscuration, rate of fire growth and rate of heat release of the protective covering and foamed plastic insulation room lining.
This test method is not intended to determine the fire resistance rating of wall or ceiling assemblies lined with foamed plastic insulation and a protective covering. In addition, this test method does not identify which products of combustion, nor risks associated with products of combustion.
This test method provides for classifications of 10 min and 20 min, which are not equivalent to classifications prescribed in CAN/ULC-S124, Standard Method of Test for the Evaluation of Thermal Barriers for Foamed Plastic.
ISO 9705 防火测试-表面制品的全尺寸房间燃烧试验方法
ISO 9705 Fire testing -full Scale Room test for surface produts
ISO 9705规范适用于墙壁内表面及天花板表面制品,ISO9705试验房间内部尺寸:长: 3.6±0.05m;宽: 2.4±0.05m;高: 2.4±0.05m。
CAN/ULC-S102加拿大防火测试标准 https://www.fire-test.com/newsinfo/2141161.html
南京睿督公司咨询电话:+86 25-8658 3475 +86 25-8658 3465
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邮箱:info@firete.com info@fire-test.com
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