光伏组件等屋面系统及材料的防火等级性能需要符合EN13501-5(BS EN 13501-5)标准要求,我司南京睿督公司为UKAS资质及NB欧盟公告号实验室授权合作机构,专业提供BS 476-3,EN 13501-5, CEN/TS 1187等屋顶材料(如光伏组件)防火性能测试。咨询电话:025-86583475 网址:www.fire-test.com
EN13501-5标准名称及适用范围 EN 13501-5 Fire classification of construction products and building elements-Part 5: Classification using data from external fire exposure to roofs tests EN 13501-5 建筑产品及部件燃烧性能的分类-第5部分:根据屋顶构件耐火试验数据的分级要求。

EN13501-5标准适用范围 EN 13501-5 this European Standard Provides the fire performance classification procedures for roofs/roof coverings exposed to external fire based on the four test methods given CEN/TS 1187:2012 and relevant extended application rules. For the classification of a roof/roof covering, only those test methods and those application rules need to be applied for which the corresponding classification is envisaged.
屋顶构件EN13501-5防火等级测试方法 Test 1: Method with burning brands Test 2: Method with burning brands and wind Test 3: Method with burning brands, wind and supplementary radiant heat Test 4: Two-stage method incorporation burning brands, wind and supplementary radiant heat CEN/TS 1187: Test methods for external fire exposure to roofs 屋顶外部着火的试验方法 EN 13501-5 (classification): Classification using data from external fire exposure to roof tests建筑制品或建筑构件的防火分级 第5部分:暴露于外部火的屋面试验分级要求 CEN/TS 16459 (EXAP): Extended application of test results from CEN/TS 1187屋顶和屋顶覆盖物外部防火.源自CEN/TS 1187标准试验结果的扩展应用
光伏组件Exova BroofT1/T2/T3/T4 http://www.firete.com/news/zhengce/13983.html
光伏组件等屋顶构件EN13501-5 T4测试方法更严格,更多关于BROOF T4测试内容,请咨询南京睿督公司。 南京睿督专业从事建材CE认证及防火烟毒检测十多年,在测试认证领域中,拥有丰富经验具体内容请咨询南京睿督公司 南京睿督公司咨询电话:025-8658 3475 400-603-6575 网址:www.fire-test.com 邮箱:info@fire-test.com … |