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EN ISO 9239-1:2010地
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首页   英国   BS 476-31.1通过门窗装配件的烟雾浸透度的测量方法的防火测试

BS 476-31.1通过门窗装配件的烟雾浸透度的测量方法的防火测试

南京睿督公司为英国UKAS资质授权合作实验室。专业权威提供英国BS 476-31.1测试,BS 476-31.1通过门窗装配件的烟雾浸透度的测量方法的防火测试,咨询电话:025-8658 3475。

BS 476-31.1标准名称
BS 476-31.1:建筑材料和构件的防火测试-通过门窗装配件的烟雾浸透度的测量方法.室温条件下的测量法。
BS 476-31.1:Fire Tests on Building Materials and Structures Part 31: Methods for Measuring Smoke Penetration through Door sets and Shutter Assemblies Section 31.1: Method of Measurement under Ambient Temperature Conditions

BS 476-31.1适用范围: 
This method measures air leakage of door and shutter assemblies under ambient temperature conditions as being representative of smoke penetration occurring from the early stages or at a remote position from a fire occurring in a building.

BS 476 相关参考标准
BS 476: Fire tests on building materials and structures.
BS 476: 建筑材料及构件防火测试
BS 476-3:2004 室外屋顶的燃烧测试
BS 476-4:1970 材料的不燃烧性测试
BS 476-5:1979 可燃性燃烧测试
BS476-6:1989 Method of test for propagation for materials
BS476-6:1989 制品火势蔓延的试验方法
BS 476-7:1997制品表面火势蔓延的试验和分级方法
BS 476-11:1982建筑材料热辐射性能测试方法
BS 476-12:1991产品直接火焰冲击的可燃性测试方法
BS 476-15:1992产品放热性测试-锥形量热仪
BS 476-20:1987建筑构件耐火的测定方法(一般原理)
BS 476-21:1987 承重构件耐火的测定方法
BS 476-22:1987非承重建筑构件耐火性能测试方法
BS 476-31.1:建筑材料和构件的防火测试-通过门窗装配件的烟雾浸透度的测量方法.室温条件下的测量法
BS 476-32:1989 Fire tests on building materials and structures.Guide to full scale fire tests within building
BS 476-32:1993 Fire tests on building materials and structures.Full-scale room test for surface products

更多BS 476-31.1通过门窗装配件的烟雾浸透度的测量方法,请咨询南京睿督公司
咨询电话:025-8658 3475   400-603-6575

 来源:防火网 发布时间:3/13/2018 点击次数:1102

 上一条: 保温材料如何评定英国Class 0级?

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