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首页   轨道车辆防火   意大利防火等级测试:UNI 9177 Class 1/ UNI 9176

意大利防火等级测试:UNI 9177 Class 1/ UNI 9176

南京睿督公司十多年专业从事防火阻燃烟毒测试,专业提供意大利标准UNI CEI 11170-3, UNI 8456, UNI 8457,UNI 9174, UNI 9175, UNI 9176, UNI 9177防火等级测试,更多关于UNI9177 Class 1, UNI 9177 Class 2等意大利防火等级测试,请具体咨询南京睿督公司,咨询电话:025-86583475,网址:www.fire-test.com  

我司提供意大利国家实验室提供的意大利UNI CEI 11170-3, UNI 8456, UNI 8457,UNI 9174, UNI 9175, UNI 9176, UNI 9177防火等级检测报告,测试标准如下:
意大利防火等级测试:UNI 9177 Class 1
UNI 8456 受双面燃烧的易燃材料-小火燃烧Combustible materials liable to be hit by the flames on both sides-Fire reaction through contact with a small flame
UNI 8457 受单面燃烧的易燃材料-小火燃烧Combustible materials liable to be hit by the flames on one side only-Fire reaction through contact with a small flame.
UNI 9174 辐射热点燃火焰燃烧试验验Fire reaction on the materials exposed to the action of an igniting flame in the presence of radiating heat.
UNI 9175 软体家具的小火源燃烧试验Fire reaction on padded furniture exposed to the action of a small flame.
UNI 9176 对火的反应Reaction to fire-Preparation of materials for verification of requirements
UNI 9177 可燃材料的燃烧等级测试Fire reaction classification for combustible materials
UNI 9796 用于木制材料上防火涂料的燃烧试验-测试防火和等级划分UNI 9796: Reaction to fire of flame retardant coating products for wood based materials - Test methods for classification purposes.
UNI CEI 11170-3: Guidelines for railway vehicle protection for tramways and with guided rail. Part 3: Assessment of fire behaviour of materials
UNI CEI 11170-3: 轨道车辆防护的指导第3部分:材料的防火性能评估

更多关于意大利防火等级测试:UNI 9177 Class 1/ UNI 9176,请咨询南京睿督公司
南京睿督公司咨询电话:025-8658 3475   400-603-6575

 来源:防火网 发布时间:11/5/2019 点击次数:3426

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