当地板覆盖物(地板结构)由多种不同的材料(材质组成),若只对每一种材料进行防火性能测试,不能体现整个地板覆盖物(地板结构)的整体的防火阻燃性能。NFPA130标准中特别针对这一情况,规定此类产品的防火阻燃性能根据ASTM E 119进行测试,根据NFPA130进行评估防火性能。
ASTM E 119建筑构造及材料的耐火性能方法
对于所有的车辆类别的地板的多层构件、管道等根据ASTM E 119进行试验,要求测试样品达到15min的整体性及绝缘性。
A structural flooring assembly separating the interior of a vehicle from its undercarriage shall meet performance criteria during a nominal test period as determined by the railroad. The nominal test period shall not be less than 15 minutes. The fire resistance period required shall be consistent with the safe evacuation of a full load of passengers from the vehicle under worst-case condition.
ASTM E 119 Standard test method for Fire tests of building construction and materials
ASTM E 119建筑构造及材料的耐火性能方法
NFPA 130:2010 Standard for fixed guideway transit and passenger rail systems
NFPA 130:2010有轨列车及铁路客运体系标准
ASTM E 119主要关注如下方面
1. 耐火极限
ASTM E 119在NFPA130标准中的应用:
地板构件等根据ASTM E 119进行试验,根据NFPA130进行评估,要求测试样品达到15min的整体性、绝缘性及耐高压消防水枪冲击等。