ISO 5660-2-2002 对火反应试验 热释放、发烟和质量损失率 第2部分:发烟率(动态测量). ISO 5660-2-2002 Reaction to fire tests-Heat release, smoke production and mass loss rate-Part 2: Smoke production rate.
适用范围: This part of ISO 5660 specifies a small-scale method for assessing the dynamic smoke production rate of essentially flat specimens exposed to controlled levels of radiant heating under well-ventilated conditions with or without an external igniter. The rate of smoke production is calculated from measurement of the attenuation of a laser light beam by the combustion product stream. Smoke obscuration is recorded for the entire test, regardless of whether the specimen is flaming or not.
The measurement system prescribed by this part of ISO 5660 is an extension of the apparatus described in ISO 5660-1. Therefore, this part of ISO 5660 is used in conjunction with ISO 5660-1.
被下列标准引用 IEC/TS 60695-8-3-2008 火灾试验--第8-3部分:电工制品用绝缘液的放热 IEC 60695-6-1 AMD 1-2010 火灾隐患试验.第6-1部分:烟雾灰暗度.一般指南 IEC 60695-6-1 Edition 2.1-2010 火灾隐患试验.第6-1部分:烟雾灰暗度.一般导则 IEC 60695-6-1-2010 着火危险试验--第6-1部分:烟尘昏暗度--总则 ISO/TS 5660-3-2012 着火反应试验--热释放、烟雾产生和质量损失率--第3部分:测量指南
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