DIN V ENV 1187-2006 Test methods for external fire exposure to roofs; German version ENV 1187:2002 + A1:2005. DIN V ENV 1187-2006 屋顶外部着火试验方法.
适用范围: This European Standard specifies four methods for determining the performance of roofs to external fire exposure. The four methods assess the performance of roofs under the following conditions: Test 1 - with burning brands, Test 2 - with burning brands and wind, Test 3 - with burning brands, wind and supplementary radiant heat, Test 4 - two stage test method incorporating burning brands, wind and supplementary radiant heat,
引用了下列标准 EN ISO 13943 采用了下列标准 ENV 1187-2002 ENV 1187/A1-2005 代替了下列标准 DIN V ENV 1187-2002 屋顶外部着火试验方法 DIN ENV 1187/A1-2005 中国防火网咨询电话:400-666-7290 网址:www.firete.com 邮箱:info@firete.com