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首页   其它测试   DIN EN 16165 Determination of the slip resistance

DIN EN 16165 Determination of the slip resistance

The ramp slip test is a reliable and widely used method to evaluate the slip resistance of interspersed synthetic resin floors, common in industrial and parking areas. Following EN 16165 and using a ramp with varying inclinations, the floor R-class can be determined. This test can, however, only be performed in a laboratory, and not on-site. Here, we propose a method to determine the floor R-class from its surface topography, which can easily be measured on-site. In this study, floors of various slip resistances were prepared following the conventional method of spreading quartz sand onto a liquid resin. The interspersed surface creates a 3-dimensional topography, which is characteristic for the anti-slip properties. After the resin hardening, the R-class was measured and, in parallel, a convolutional neural network was developed and trained with the numerous photographs taken from the specimen surfaces. The used convolutional neural network classifies 95% of the surfaces into the correct R-class. This result makes it possible, for the first time, to determine the R-class slip resistance on-site with a high probability of correctness.

In many countries, slip resistance is classified using the “ramp slip test, otherwise known as the R-rating or R-classification. The test was standardized in Germany in DIN 51130 in the 1990's, and is one of the most commonly used industrial terms associated with the slip resistance of flooring. Since October 2021, there is a new European standard for the classification of floors with regard to slip resistance, the EN 16165 and the corresponding national versions, such as DIN EN 16165 in Germany. In this standard, four common test methods are described, namely.

-Shod ramp test: Engine oil is used as an intermediate medium and safety shoes for walking on. The angle at which the test persons start to slide is measured and classified into R -classes. The test was standardised in the retracted DIN 51130 and is used in this study.

-Barefoot ramp test: The same equipment described above is used, but water replaces engine oil as test liquid and no shoes are used. The test is also often used to determine the slip-rating of tiles. The mean angle is measured and classified into A -classes. The test was standardized in the retracted DIN 51097.

-Pendulum friction test: The pendulum friction tester measures the loss of energy as the standard rubber coated slider assembly slides across the test surface. The result of the test is the PVT value and can be performed in dry and wet conditions. The test was standardized in the retracted British Standard BS 7976.

-Tribometer test: A test apparatus equipped with slider is pulled at a constant speed along the surface and the coefficient of friction μ is measured. The test was standardized in the retracted DIN 51131.

The standard EN 16165 specifies that the test methods cannot be compared with each other. Analyses of the comparability are nonetheless available in literature . Basic information about the measurement of the slip resistance can be found in Ref. The choice of method is left to the user. The shod ramp test is often used in the industrial sector when an intermediate medium that causes slipping is expected [35]. The floor covering to be tested is applied on a rigid plate, which is mounted on a platform. Defined working shoes and oil as an intermediate medium are used. A person walks up and down on the surface covering while the inclination of the plate continuously increases. When the person starts to slide, the angle of inclination is noted. Using 6 test results (two persons, walking three times each), the average angle of inclination αshod is determined and the surface is assigned to the R-class according to EN 16165 (Table 1).

Table 1. Angle for the R-class according to EN 16165.

Test result αshod    R-Class
6°–10°                     R 9
>10°–19°                 R 10
>19°–27°                 R 11
>27°–35°                 R 12
>35°                        R 13

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 来源:防火网 发布时间:6/16/2023 点击次数:1454

 上一条: DIN EN 16165-2023 防滑测试新标准-斜坡法防滑、摆锤法、推拉法防滑测试

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