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首页   其它测试   ASTM C518稳态热传导性能测试/导热系数检测

ASTM C518稳态热传导性能测试/导热系数检测

标准:ASTM C518–用热流量计装置测定稳态热传递特性的标准试验方法




最终结果:确定了热导率(k值)和热阻(R值)。这些值可用于确定材料的能量损失。该测试可用于满足绝缘材料的R值规定,如美国联邦贸易委员会的“R值规则”(10 CFR 460)。

特别注意:该方法通常可以用作ASTM C177的替代品,ASTM C177使用一种称为防护热板装置(GHP)的不同装置测定相同的性能。

Standard: ASTM C518 – Standard Test Method for Steady-State Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of the Heat Flow Meter Apparatus

Scope: This test is used on a wide range of materials.

Applicable Products: Insulation, construction materials, window materials

Test Procedure: This test uses a Heat Flow Meter Apparatus (HFM). The Heat Flow Meter consists of a cold plate and a hot plate which incorporate heat flux transducers for measuring heat flow. The material to be measured is placed between the two plates which are controlled to different temperatures to create a heat flow from hot to cold plate, which is measured by the transducers. The device is calibrated against materials of known thermal conductivity and can be used to measure flat materials in a wide range of thickness and conductivity. Tests are commonly performed with a mean temperature between 35oF and 110oF, with the most common being 75oF. A temperature difference of 40oF – 50oF is commonly used.

End Result: The thermal conductivity (k-Value) and thermal resistance (R-Value) are determined. These values can be used to determine energy losses through a material. This test can be used to satisfy R-Value regulations for insulation materials, such as the US Federal Trade Commission’s “R-Value Rule” (10 CFR 460).

Special Notes: This method can often be used as an alternative to ASTM C177, which determines the same properties using a different device known as a Guarded Hot Plate Apparatus (GHP).

更多关于ASTM C518稳态热传导性能测试/导热系数检测,请咨询南京睿督公司
南京睿督公司咨询电话:400-603-6575   025-8658 3475
网址:www.fire-test.cn   www.fire-test.com  


 来源:防火网 发布时间:11/10/2022 点击次数:1164

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