真空环境下,材料真空逸气Outgassing test是一种常见的现象,真空逸气对复合材料尺寸稳定性的影响,对航天器和5G机站的正常稳定运行具有很大的影响。美标ASTME595真空逸气常用测试标准之一,ASTM E595标准要求总质量亏损(TML)≤1%和挥发物质冷凝量(CVCM)≤0.1%。更多关于美标ASTM E595真空逸气测试,请咨询南京睿督公司,咨询电话:025-8658 3475。
真空环境中气压极低,真实度一般可达到0.0001~0.00001Pa,这种环境已经到复合材料的聚合物基体,导致有机材料中气体的逸出,产生一定的质量损失。气压越降低,逸气过程越发激烈,改变航天器的运行轨道和姿态,因此符合美标ASTM E595能够减少对敏感环境的影响力。南京睿督公司已协助国内企业顺利申请ASTM E595热真空逸气测试。
ASTM E595热真空释气测试 ASTM E595 在真空环境中除气作用引起的总质量损失和挥发物质冷凝量的测试方法 ASTM E595 Standard Test Method for Total Mass Loss and Collected Volatile Condensable Materials from Outgassing in a Vacuum Environment ASTM E595热真空释气测试-测试方法 ASTM E595除气测试方法包含使用筛选技术来确定的材料在真空状态下的挥发性。需要测试两个参数:总质量亏损(TML)和挥发物质冷凝量(CVCM)。另一个参数水汽量(WVR), 也可以在完成对TML和CVCM的测试后获得。 ASTM E595 outgassing test, This test method covers a screening technique to determine volatile content of materials when exposed to a vacuum environment. Two parameters are measured: total mass loss (TML) and collected volatile condensable materials (CVCM). An additional parameter, the amount of water vapor regained (WVR), can also be obtained after completion of exposures and measurements required for TML and CVCM ASTM E595热真空释气测试-测试范围 各种各样的有机分子,聚合物和无机材料都可以被测试。这些材料包含:聚合混合物,发泡材料,弹性体,薄膜,胶带,绝缘体,收缩管,胶水,涂料,纺织面料,和轮滑油,这些材料可以在原始接受的状态下测试,也可以通过多种方式固化后测试。 Many types of organic, polymeric, and inorganic materials can be tested by ASTM E595 outgassing test. These include polymer potting compounds,foams, elastomers, films, tapes, insulations, shrink tubings, adhesives, coatings, fabrics, tie cords, and lubricants. The materials may be tested in the “as-received” condition or prepared for test by various curing specifications. ASTM E595热真空释气测试-测试项目和要求: TML (total mass loss)总质量亏损,要求≤1% CVCM (collected volatile condensable materials)挥发物质冷凝量, 要求≤0.1% WVR (the amount of water vapor regained)水汽量
南京睿督公司免费咨询电话:025-8658 3475 400-603-6575 网址:www.fire-test.com www.fire-test.cn 邮箱:info@fire-test.com