CAN/ULC-S114-05建筑材料防火测试标准 CAN/ULC-S114-05: Standard method of test for determination of Non-combustibility in building materials CAN/ULC-S114-05: 建筑材料的不燃性测试评定方法
CAN/ULC-S114-05建筑材料不燃性测试适用范围 This Standard provides a means of determining the non-combustible nature of elementary building materials. It shall be applied to materials used in the construction of buildings. It does not apply to materials with a decorative or protective coating, or impregnation, or built up of laminations of dissimilar materials. (Adhesives between laminations shall be considered laminations.) CAN/ULC-S114-05建筑材料不燃性测试样品尺寸 All specimens shall be 38 mm wide by 38 mm thick in a cross-section perpendicular to the axis of the furnace, and 50 mm long. Tolerances in each dimension shall be ± 2 mm. CAN/ULC-S114-05建筑材料不燃性测试相关标准 ISO 1182: Reaction to fire tests for products -- Non-combustibility test GB/T 5464:Non-combustibility test method of building materials BS 476: Fire tests on building materials and structures BS 476-7:Fire Tests on Building Materials and Structures Part 7: Method of Test to Determine the Classification of the Surface Spread of Flame of Products EN 13501-1: Fire classification of construction products and building elements- Part1: Classification using data from reaction to fire tests AS 1530:Methods for fire tests on building materials,components and structures
我们还提供各种加拿大防火阻燃测试 加拿大CAN/ULC S102/135认证 CAN/ULC-S134 CAN/ULC-S102火焰表面燃烧测试 CAN/ULC-S102.2地板表面燃烧特性测试 CAN/ULC-S101耐火测试方法 CAN/ULC-S104-10防火门及组件耐火测试 CAN/ULC-S127不熔建筑材料燃烧特性测试
更多关于CAN ULC S114加拿大不燃性测试的详细内容,请咨询南京睿督公司 南京睿督公司咨询电话:025-8658 3475 400-603-6575 网址 邮箱