CAN/ULC-S102.2-M88: Standard Method of Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Flooring,Floor Covering, and Miscellaneous Materials and Assemblies. CAN/ULC-S102.2-M88: 地板,地面覆盖物和复合材料及配件表面燃烧特性测试方法。
1.1 This method is applicable to the finished surface or covering of a floorextending to a maximum depth of 65 mm. It may also be applied to materialsthat cannot conveniently be tested in a ceiling mounted configuration.Thermoplastic and loose fill materials might be included in this category.
1.2 The primary purpose of the test is to determine the comparative burning characteristics of the material or assembly under test by evaluating the flame spread over its surface when exposed to a test fire and thus establish a basis on which surface burning characteristics of different materials or assemblie may be compared, without specific considerations of all the end-use parameters that might affect these characteristics.
1.3 Smoke density and flame spread rate are recorded in this test. However,there is not necessarily a relationship between these two measurements.
1.4 It is the intent of this method to register performance during the period of exposure, and not to determine suitability for use after the test exposure.
1.5 This method does not establish standards of performance for specific applications. It is a means of evaluating the response of materials, products or assemblies to a particular fire exposure under controlled laboratory
加拿大CAN/ULC-S 102.2此法用于测定地板表面燃烧性能。测试方法基本上类似于美国的ASTM E84法。加拿大CAN/ULC-S 102.2测试至少要进行3次测试,计算出火焰传播指数FSI1及FSI2。南京睿督公司咨询电话:025-8658 3475。
将火焰前沿移动的距离对时间作图,如所得曲线下的总面积AT≤29.7m.min,则FSI=1.85AT如AT>29.7 m.min,则FSI1=1640/(59.4-AT)。有些材料燃烧时,其火焰前沿在试验早期可能传播很快,但随后即减慢,甚至最终不能达到试件末端,这时系按下式计算FSI2值。 FSI2=92.5d/t。 d-火焰前沿传播速率开始明显下降时移动的距离,m; t-火焰前沿移动距离d相应的时间,min。
根据加拿大的有关建材规范,按照CAN/ULC-S 102火焰传播指数及生烟性能对材料进行分类。以红橡木的曲线包围的面积为100,以石棉-水泥曲线包围的面积为0,将测试样品的曲线包围的面积与红橡木的相应值比较,以评估试件的热释放性。
相关文章: ASTM E84火焰表面燃烧性能测试 ULC S102/ULC S135防火性能测试
更多关于加拿大CAN/ULC-S 102.2火焰表面燃烧性能测试详细内容,请咨询南京睿督公司 南京睿督公司免费咨询电话:400-603-6575 025-8658 3475 网址 邮箱 … |