EXOVA Canada INC是北美加拿大权威实验室,全称为北美加拿大威灵顿实验室Exova Warringtonfire North America。EXOVA Canada INC实验室为世界著名的第三方实验室机构,是国际组织ISO/IEC17025认可实验室。具体内容请咨询南京睿督公司,电话:025-86583475。
由加拿大实验室EXOVA Canada INC所出具的测试报告及证书,在美国,加拿大以及其它国家都得到非常高的认可。EXOVA Canada INC实验室主要测试项目及标准请参考如下: NFPA130:2010 固定轨道和旅客铁路系统 Standard for Fixed Guideway transit and passenger rail systems.
ASTM E162: 表面燃烧测试 (Surface flammability test) ASTM E648: 地板表面火焰延伸等级测试 (Spread of flame test-floor coverings) ASTM E662: 烟密度测试 (smoke density test) ASTM C1166: 火焰蔓延测试 (Flame propagation test) ASTM D2724: 粘合、热熔或多层织物测试(Bonded, Fused and laminated apparel fabrics) ASTM D3575: 表面燃烧测试 (surface flammability of flexible cellular materials) ASTM E84: 表面燃烧测试 (Surface burning characteristics of building materials) ASTM E119: 耐火测试 ( Fire tests of building construction and materials) ASTM E136: 材料不燃性测试 (Non-combustibility test) ASTM E408: 反射指数测试(Test method for total normal emittance of surface using inspection-Meter Techniques) ASTM E814: 防火测试 (Fire test of through-penetration fire stops) ASTM E1354: 热及烟释放量测试 (Heating and visible smoke release rates) ASTM E1530: 导热性能测试(Resistance to thermal transmission) ASTM E1537: 软体家具防火测试 (Fire test for Upholstered furniture) ASTM E1590: 床垫防火测试 (Fire testing of mattresses) ASTM E2061: 轨道车辆火灾危害评估指南 (Guide for fire hazard assessment of rail transportation vehicles) ASTM D570: 塑料吸水率测试 (Water absorption of plastics) ASTM D648: 塑料的挠曲温度测试 (Deflection temperature of plastics under flexural load) ASTM D638: 塑料拉伸性能测试 (Tensile properties of plastics) ASTM D2583: 巴氏硬度测试 (Indentation hardness of rigid plastics by means of a barcol impressor) ASTM D695: 硬性塑料压缩性测试(Compressive properties of rigid plastics) ASTM D256: 塑料耐冲击性测试(Impact resistance of plastics) ASTM D790: 弯曲性能测试 (Flexural properties) ISO 527-1: 塑料拉伸性能测试 (Tensile properties of plastics) ISO 527-2: 塑料拉伸性能测试 (Tensile properties of plastics) ISO 527-3: 塑料拉伸性能测试 (Tensile properties of plastics) ISO 527-4: 塑料拉伸性能测试 (Tensile properties of plastics) ISO 527-5: 塑料拉伸性能测试 (Tensile properties of plastics) ISO 14125: 弯曲性能测试 (Flexural properties) ISO 14130: 剪切强度性能测试 (opapparent interlaminar shear strength by short-bean method) ASTM C564: 橡胶垫圈标准规范 (Standard specification for Rubber gaskets) CA TB 117: 软体家具防火测试 (Testing the smolder Resistance of Materials used in Upholstered Furniture) FMVSS302: 汽车内装饰材料燃烧性能测试(Flammability of materials used in the occupant compartment of motor vehicles)
相关标准参考: NFPA130美国防火测试 http://www.fire-test.com/teststandard/usa/3239.html ASTM E162表面燃烧性能测试 http://www.fire-test.com/teststandard/usa/3346.html ASTM E662烟密度测试 http://www.fire-test.com/teststandard/usa/3347.html
更多关于EXOVA Canada INC实验室及美标ASTM/NFPA的详细内容,请咨询南京睿督公司
南京睿督公司咨询电话:025-8658 3475 400-603-6575 网址:www.fire-test.com 邮箱: info@fire-test.com