德国认可机构DAkks(原名DACH),德国认可机构Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH的德文缩写是DAkkS,是德国认可制度的协调管理机构。
德国认可机构(德国认可委员会)成立于1991年05月,是由德国联邦政府、德国劳工部(Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Technology, BMWA)、德国化学认可机构(Germam Accreditation Body Chemistry,DACH)、德国检测认可机构(German Accreditation System for testing, DAP)、德国技术认可机构(German Accreditation Body for Technology,DA Tech)、德国标准化学会(German Institute for standardization, DIN)、德国联邦材料检验研究院(Federal Institute for Materials Research and testing, BAM)等近20个机构共同组建,其中包括了很多能积极影响德国认可政策的工业界代表。其主要任务是协调实验室、检测机构、认证机构及合格评定机构在认证/认可领域的工作,特别是强制与非强制领域认可组织之间的关系;处理自愿性及强制性领域内的一般问题;并在国内外代表德国认可组织,发布被认可的认证机构和被认可的实验室名录。
DAkkS标志由德国认可委员会授权使用,由DAkkS标识和实验室注册号组成,标志的真伪和认可范围可以从DAkkS的网站上验证并查询。自2009年12月23日起,DGA mbH已并入德国国家认证认可委DAkkS GmbH。
DAkkS is the national accreditation body for the Federal Republic of Germany. Pursuant to Regulation (EC) No. 765/2008 and the Accreditation Body Act (AkkStelleG), it acts in the public interest and as the sole provider of accreditations in Germany.
DAkkS is a non-profit organisation. Shareholders of the GmbH (company with limited liability) are the Federal Republic of Germany, the Federal states and the industry represented by the Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e. V. (BDI; Federal Association of German Industry).
DAkkS is entrusted by the federal government to carry out its public authority accreditation tasks. As such, DAkkS is subject to the government's technical, legal and financial supervisory authority. DAkkS applies German administrative law as part of its public authority accreditation activities.
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