AS/NZS 3837:1998 Method of test for heat and smoke release rates for materials and products using an Oxygen Consumption Calorimeter AS/NZS 3837:1998 耗氧量法测定材料释热及烟雾释放速率方法。
AS/NZS 3837测试设备: cone calorimeter fire test 圆锥热量计量器火焰测试,
测试指标(Properties are determined as follows): (a) 热释放率,由氧气消耗量决定(Rate of heat release, by measurement of the oxygen consumption, as determined by the oxygen concentration and the flow rate in the exhaust product stream); (b) 有效热燃烧值和物质质量损失率(Effective heat of combustion from a concomitant measurement of specimen mass loss rate, in combination with the heat release rate); (c) 烟释放率(Smoke release, by obscuration of light by the combustion product stream); (d) 可燃性 ,产品加热后从不燃到可燃的时间(Ignitability, as a measurement of time from initial exposure to time of sustained flaming)。
样品要求: A 100×100× thickness(<=50), 6 PCS(对于试样实际厚度小于6mm的试样,测试时应该带上试样实际使用的基材使其整体厚度不小于6mm); B 提供样品密度(kg/m3)。
测试方法及流程: prediction in accordance with Clause 3 of Specification A2.4 using data obtained by testing the material at 50 kW/m2 irradiance in the horizontal orientation with edge frame in accordance with AS/NZS 3837.
1. 样品燃烧结束2分钟后;
2. 平均物质质量损失率一分钟后降低到150gm2;
3. 试验时间超过60分钟;
4. 样品开始试验10分钟内不燃烧;
更多关于AS/NZS 3837热释放量测试量及烟雾释放速率方法,请咨询中国防火网 中国防火网免费咨询电话:400-666-7290 025-8658 3475 网址 邮箱
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