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EN ISO 9239-1:2010地
EN ISO 1182:2010
NF P 92-501
NF P 92-507
EN ISO 1182
EN ISO 9239-1
EN 13501-1
首页   常用标准   Artificial stone zero silicon report artificial stone Australia NATA qualification AS4964 asbestos free test

Artificial stone zero silicon report artificial stone Australia NATA qualification AS4964 asbestos free test

Artificial stone is a material made from crushed stone mixed with resin adhesive, consisting of approximately 90% crushed quartz and the remaining part made up of metal and colored glass. It is widely used in kitchen and bathroom countertops. Australia requires artificial stone manufacturers to provide asbestos-free and zero-silica reports to ensure safety. The NATA-certified AS4964 asbestos-free negative test report is one of the essential documents for Australian customs. Australia prohibits the import of asbestos or asbestos-containing products and requires relevant test certification documents. Smart collaborates with NATA-certified laboratories in Australia to provide convenient, fast, and authoritative NATA-certified asbestos-free test reports to facilitate smooth customs clearance and market sales in Australia. For inquiries about asbestos-free test reports from Australian customs, please contact Nanjing Smart Company, consultation phone: +86-25-86583475.

Test report excluding asbestos components Non asbestos testing 
Australian importers are required to provide proof that the goods do not contain asbestos. It is recommended that an independent laboratory accredited by a national certification association issue a certificate proving that the exported goods do not contain asbestos components.

If the goods may contain asbestos components, the importer can arrange for inspection or obtain a certificate in advance before export to ensure smooth customs clearance. However, definitions of asbestos components vary from country to country, and products identified as non-asbestos containing by some countries may still contain trace amounts of asbestos.

The National Testing Institutions Association of Australia (NATA) is the authority that authorizes and accredits laboratory qualifications.

Test the samples submitted for inspection Non asbestos testing 
The test is conducted in Australia by a laboratory accredited by NATA of Australia. Nanjing Rido has cooperated with NATA laboratory in Australia for many years, and the cycle is fast.

Container AS4964 Asbestos-free testing (why asbestos-free testing is needed) https://www.firete.com/news/zixun/18467.html
AS4964-2004 Asbestos-Free Australian Customs asbestos free test report essential documents https://www.firete.com/news/zhengce/18124.html

We provide comprehensive fire retardant testing services:
See https://www.fire-test.com/newsinfo/4260230.html

building materials: GB 8624,EN 13501-1,BS 476-4,BS 476-6,BS 476-7,DIN 4102-1,NF P92-501,NF P92-503,NF P92-507,ASTM E162,ASTM E84,ASTM E648,EN ISO 5660-1,ISO 5658-2,ISO 1716,EN 4589,AS 1530.1,AS 1530.3,ASTM E662,ISO 5659-2

Fire-resistant components: ISO 834-1,GB 9978,GB 14102,GB 14907,GB/T 7633,EN 1363,EN 1364,EN 1366,EN 45545-3,BS 476-20,BS 476-21,BS 476-22,BS 476-23,ASTM E119,ASTM E814,AS 1530.4

Track vehicles: EN 45545-2, EN 45545-3, TB/T 3237, NFPA 130, TB 3138, NF F16-101, BS 6853, DIN 5510-2, UIC 564-2 

Nanjing Smart Contact Information:
Tel: +86-25-8658 3475
Web: www.fire-test.com
Email: info@fire-test.com
WeChat: 177 1418 9018  or  firetesting

 来源:防火网  发布时间:1/6/2025  点击次数:141

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