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首页 常用标准 睿督ETA认证 | EAD 090019-00-0404外墙覆层系统ETA认证 |
睿督ETA认证 | EAD 090019-00-0404外墙覆层系统ETA认证
外墙覆层系统在欧盟市场上使用需要进行ETA认证,按照EAD 090019-00-0404标准来申请认证。产品需要送到欧洲TAB成员实验室进行ETA认证测试。南京睿督为客户提供专业合规的欧盟CE认证和ETA认证,减少认证中间沟通环节,权威省时省力。ETA认证咨询电话:025-86583475。
EAD 090019-00-0404 Kits for ventilated external wall claddings of lightweight boards on subframe with rendering applied in situ with or without thermal insulation 轻质板通风外墙包层套件,带或不带隔热层的现场抹灰
外墙覆层系统欧盟ETA认证适用于标准:EAD 090019-00-0404
Description of the construction product
This EAD is applicable to the kits1 for vertical exterior wall claddings consisting of external cladding elements, which are mechanically fastened by cladding fixing devices to a metallic (galvanized steel, stainless steel or aluminium alloy) or wooden subframe, associated joint materials and subframe fixing devices, rendering system and optionally: thermal insulation and a flexible sheet for waterproofing. The cladding elements are covered subsequently by a rendering system including reinforcement mesh (glass fibre mesh). This kit is fixed to external walls of buildings. Between the cladding element and the thermal insulation or external wall, there is a ventilated air gap, which shall always be drained.
The kit consists of the following components from the rendering system to the substrate:
·Rendering system is composed of base coat (organic and cement based) with reinforcement (glass fibre mesh) and render coating. The render coating is composed of:
·key coat - organic or organic/ silicate based,
·finishing coat - organic, organic silicate or cement based,
·decorative coat - acrylic or acrylic/siloxane based, as option.
Under the CPR, harmonised technical specifications are harmonised European product standards (hENs) established by CEN/CENELEC2 or European Assessment Documents (EADs) produced by the European
European Organisation for Technical Approvals (EOTA) as the basis for issuing ETAs for products not covered by hENs.The harmonised technical specification for a product defines EEA-wide methods of assessing and declaring
TZUS是欧盟公告号机构,其欧盟公告号为1020(Notified Body 1020-NB1020)。可以根据欧盟相关规定来签发CE证书。
TZUS同时也是ETA(European Technical Approval)的认证委员之一,可以根据相关法规来签发ETA证书。
南京睿督公司为TZUS实验室(欧盟公告号NB1020)在海外中国区的授权机构,为客户提供专业合规的欧盟CE认证和ETA认证。南京睿督公司网址:www.hksmartps.com ,电话:025-8658 3475
欧盟ETA认证/EAD标准编号 (欧盟建材ETA认证标准下载) http://www.cprce.com/Certification/eta/988.html
南京睿督2023年最新解读:欧盟ETA认证与CPR法规及CE认证的关系 http://www.cprce.com/Certification/eta/918.html
欧盟公告NB机构&TAB机构-TZUS(NB1020)欧盟强制CE认证及ETA认证 http://www.cprce.com/Certification/eta/919.html
欧盟公告NB机构&TAB机构-TSUS(NB1301)欧盟强制CE认证及ETA认证 http://www.cprce.com/Certification/eta/916.html
南京睿督公司咨询电话:025-86583475 400-603-6575
网址:www.hksmartps.com www.cprce.com
微信:firetesting 或 17714189018
来源:防火网 发布时间:7/31/2024 点击次数:244
睿督ETA认证 | 外墙覆层系统ETA认证 Kits for exterior wall claddings
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