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EN ISO 9239-1:2010地
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首页   常用标准   BS EN 12209 – LOCKS & LATCHES LEGISLATION-CE marking


◆ BS EN 12209 Building Hardware – Mechanically operated locks, latches and locking plates
Fundamental to this standard is a comprehensive classification system for assessing the wide range of products needed to satisfy the diverse requirements of the European market. Features assessed include normal use (and abuse) forces, long-term durability, fire/smoke resistance, corrosion and temperature resistance and security, both manipulative and physical. In addition, it contains information on marking, including CE marking because BS EN 12209 is a harmonised standard.

◆ EN 12209 SCOPE
This standard covers requirements and test methods for all types of mechanical lock or latch (including associated or separately supplied locking plates), intended for use on pedestrian doors in buildings but excludes electro-mechanically operated locks and striking plates, multi-point locks and their locking plates, locks for windows, padlocks, locks for safes, furniture locks and prison locks.

BS EN 12209 classifies mechanically operated locks, latches and locking plates using an 11 digit coding system. This has proved necessary in order to provide a proper assessment of all the varied features of products for specific markets within Europe. It should be noted that to avoid a greater proliferation of boxes, certain features have been “doubled up”: e.g. durability and durability with side load; door mass and closing force; corrosion resistance and temperature resistance. The system is comprehensive but it has led to the use of letters (rather than numbers) in certain boxes, since there can only be one digit in each classification box. A similar classification system applies to all building hardware product standards (at least for the first 7 boxes) to aid meaningful comparisons with related products.

√Digit 1
Category of use
Three categories of use are identified:
– grade 1: low frequency of use by people with a high incentive to exercise care and a small chance of misuse, e.g. internal residential doors
– grade 2: medium frequency of use by people with some incentive to exercise care but where there is some chance of misuse, e.g. internal office doors
– grade 3: high frequency of use by public or others with little incentive to exercise care and with a high chance of misuse, e.g. public doors.

√Digit 2
Twelve grades are identified with minimum figures for deadbolt and snib operation, and latch bolt operation with and without side load, as shown. The side load is applied to the latch bolt when it is being withdrawn.

√Digit 3
Door mass and closing force
Nine grades are identified with maximum figures for closing force at various door masses as shown. Note: closing force is from a standing start: i.e. fully extended latch bolt in contact with striking plate at start of test.

√Digit 4
Fire resistance
Two grades are identified: –
– grade 0: not approved for use on fire/smoke door assemblies
– grade 1: suitable for use on fire/smoke door assemblies tested to EN 1634-1 etc.
Note 1. A grade 1 classification means only that the lock has been designed for use on fire/smoke control doors; the actual fire performance achieved (e.g. fire integrity of 30 minutes on a partially glazed timber door etc.) will be contained in a separate fire test report.

√Digit 5
No requirement, but note: a lock or latch conforming to this standard can, at the same time, also be part of an exit device conforming to EN 179 or EN 1125.

√Digit 6
Corrosion resistance
Eight grades are identified with neutral salt-spray (NSS) corrosion resistance grades from EN 1670:1998, with and without temperature resistance as shown in the table beside.

√Digit 7
Security and drill resistance
Seven grades are identified with minimum figures for requirements relating to physical attack, with or without drilling of the lockcase, as shown in the table beside.

√Digit 8
Field of door application
Fifteen grades are identified for differing applications – hinged or sliding doors with rim or mortice locks with either key-less egress from inside or key locking from both sides. The grading determines which application is appropriate. In addition, there is a requirement that lock/latch should not be removable from outside or, for grades K to R, from inside using “standard” tools. Grades H and P require support for the lockcase when installed.

√Digit 9
Type of key operation and locking
Nine grades are identified for differing types of key operation. The grading determines how the lock is assessed for deadlocking requirement as shown. In addition, there is a maximum key torque operating requirement of 1.5 Nm and a minimum key strength requirement of 2.5 Nm:-
– grade 0: not applicable;
– grade A: cylinder lock or latch; manually locking;
– grade B: cylinder lock or latch; automatically locking; – grade C: cylinder lock or latch; manually locking with intermediate locking;
– grade D: lever lock or latch; manually locking;
– grade E: lever lock or latch; automatically locking;
– grade F: lever lock or latch; manually locking with intermediate locking;
– grade G: lock or latch without key operation; manually locking;
– grade H: lock without key operation; automatically locking.

√Digit 10
Type of spindle operation
Five grades are identified:-
– grade 0: lock without follower
– grade 1: lock with sprung lever or knob
– grade 2: lock with light unsprung lever
– grade 3: lock with heavy unsprung lever
– grade 4: lock with manufacturer’s own specification furniture

√Digit 11
Key identification
Nine grades are identified relating to the number of differs and levers. Grade 0 relates to a latch with no locking action.

◆ CE marking
Mechanically operated locks and latches intended for use on fire/smoke control doors within the EEA* are covered by a Construction Products Directive mandate issued by the European Commission. Consequently, this standard is regarded as “harmonised” and compliance with it, supported by suitable evidence, allows for the application of the CE mark.

DOOR FURNITURE – BS EN 1906:2012 https://www.fire-test.com/newsinfo/6375065.html
BS EN 1154 & BS EN 1155 https://www.fire-test.com/newsinfo/6363232.html

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 来源:防火网  发布时间:9/19/2023  点击次数:404

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