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EN ISO 9239-1:2010地
EN ISO 1182:2010
NF P 92-501
NF P 92-507
EN ISO 1182
EN ISO 9239-1
EN 13501-1
首页   常用标准   What are the different types of EPD?

What are the different types of EPD?

The types of EPD include:
·Average product Or Manufacturer-specific product
·Product range Or Product-specific
·Declared unit Or Functional unit
·Business to business Or Business to consumer

How long are EPD typically valid for?

EPDs are typically valid for 5 years, however manufacturers may wish to update their EPDs before then with their latest efficiency gains, composition or new technologies that improve the results. At Year 5, an EPD can be extended for a further 5 years, providing the manufacturer can give sufficient evidence that no significant changes have occurred to the manufacturing process.

How do EPD relate to building assessment schemes, such as BREEAM?

EPD support a projects BREEAM rating in the following 2 ways:

·Mat 01 Building Life Cycle Assessment. The data presented in the EPD results tables can be used within a building level life cycle assessment to demonstrate how different options have been considered to improve the design. 7 credits are available in this section including 2 credits for building performance against a benchmark.

·Mat 02 Environmental Impacts from construction products. Up to 1.5 credits are available for using at least 20 products in the build that have their own product specific EPD.

How many EPD do I need?

√ Enquire about our EPD (EN 15084) Environmental Product Declarations

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 来源:防火网  发布时间:6/1/2023  点击次数:591

 上一条: 美标ASTM D635:2022水平燃烧测试

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