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EN ISO 9239-1:2010地
EN ISO 1182:2010
NF P 92-501
NF P 92-507
EN ISO 1182
EN ISO 9239-1
EN 13501-1
首页   常用标准   NFPA130:2010 standard for Cable and Wire Test

NFPA130:2010 standard for Cable and Wire Test

NFPA 130: Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit and passenger Rail Systems. As more and more cable manufactory has been required the cable product need to comply with NFPA130:2010 standard, now I would like to share the updated information of NFPA130 standard with the cable producer.


As the cable flame spread and burning rate of destruction of the length of the combustion smoke density (light penetration) and the burning of hazardous toxic gas escape on the staff of life play a very important influence.


Cable for NFPA130 the main concern:

FT4/IEEE1202: cable for flame-Propagation testing, the cable damage height is to be less than 1.5m.

NFPA262: the total smoke release and the peak smoke release rate, generating a maximum peak optical density of smoke of 0.5 and a maximum average optical density of smoke of 0.15.

ANSI/UL1685: The cable damage height, the total smoke release and the peak smoke release rate.

IEC 60331-11: Be capable of having 15 minute circuit integrity


For more details information, please kindly contact with Fire testing centre with below information:

Tel: 0086-25-8658 3475

Website: www.firete.com

Email: info@firete.com

Attention: Julie Li



 来源:防火网  发布时间:6/21/2011  点击次数:5693

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