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EN ISO 9239-1:2010地
EN ISO 1182:2010
NF P 92-501
NF P 92-507
EN ISO 1182
EN ISO 9239-1
EN 13501-1
首页   常用标准   南京睿督提供SwRI实验室-防火耐火标准火灾检测/环境化学等标准检测


美国SwRI实验室在火灾研究及测试认证方面处于世界领先地位,符合建筑规范、IMO海事规范和政府规范。Southwest Research Institute(SwRI) is a worldwide leader in fire research and testing for compliance with building codes, maritime codes and government specifications.美国西南研究院(Southwest Research Institute, SwRI)成立于1947年,是一家独立的、非营利性质的、专门从事技术开发和转让的应用研究与开发机构,是美国同类企业中最大的企业之一。南京睿督与美国SwRI实验室已合作众多项目为广大国内企业提供权威的测试认证报告,为国内企业开拓国际市场提供质量保证。具体标准检测可以咨询南京睿督公司025-86583475。

Southwest Research Institute Fire Technology and Analytical and Environmental Chemistry

ASTM C761 Standard test methods for chemical, mass spectrometric, spectrochemical, nuclear, and radiochemical analysis of uranium hexafluoride
ASTM C787 Standard specification for uranium hexafluoride for enrichment
ASTM C1287 Standard test method for determination of impurities in nuclear grade uranium compounds by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
ASTM C1474 Standard test method for analysis of isotopic composition of uranium in nuclear-grade fuel material by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry
EPA 150.1 pH in water by electrometric method
EPA 160.1 Residue, filterable (gravimetric, dried at 180oC)
EPA 160.2 Residue, non-filterable (gravimetric, dried at 103-105°C)
EPA 200.7 Determination of metals and trace elements in water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry
EPA 200.8 Determination of trace elements in waters and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry
EPA 200.9 Determination of trace elements by stabilized temperature graphite furnace atomic absorption
EPA 218.6 Determination of dissolved hexavalent chromium in drinking water, groundwater, and industrial wastewater effluents by ion chormatography
EPA 300 Determination of inorganic anions by ion chromatography
EPA 310.1 Alkalinity (titrimetric, pH 4.5)

EPA 335.4 Determination of total cyanide by semi-automated colorimetry
EPA 340.2 Fluoride (potentiometric, ion selective electrode)
EPA 350.1 Nitrogen, ammonia (colorimetric, automated phenate)
EPA 351.2 Determination of total Kjeldahl nitrogen by semi automated colorimetry
EPA 365.3 Phosphorus, all forms (colorimetric, ascorbic acid, two reagent)
EPA 376.1 Sulfide (titrimetric, iodine)
EPA 405.1 Biochemical oxygen demand (5 days, 20oC)
EPA 410.4 The determination of chemical oxygen demand by semi-automated colorimetry
EPA 1010A Test methods for flash point by Pensky-Martens closed cup tester
EPA 1311 Toxicity characteristic leaching procedure
EPA 1613 Tetra- through octa-chlorinated dioxins and furans by dilution HRGC/HRMS
EPA 3038A Emission Testing
EPA 3571 Extraction of Solid and Aqueous Samples for Chemical Agents
EPA 3572 Extraction of Chemical Agents from Wipe Samples using Micro extraction
EPA 6010C Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry
EPA 6020A Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry
EPA 7062 Antimony and arsenic (atomic absorption, borohydride reduction)
EPA 7196A Chromium, hexavalent (colorimetric)
EPA 7199 Determination of hexavalent chromium in drinking water, groundwater and industrial wastewater effluents by ion chromatography
EPA 7470A Mercury in liquid waste (manual cold-vapor technique)
EPA 7471B Mercury in solid or semisolid waste (manual cold-vapor technique)
EPA 7742 Selenium (atomic absorption, borohydride reduction)

EPA 8151A Chlorinated herbicides by GC using methylation or pentafluorobenzylation derivatization
EPA 8260B Volatile organic compounds by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS)
EPA 8270 Semi-volatile organic compounds by gas chromatography
EPA 8270D Organic compounds by GC
EPA 8280B Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) by high-resolution gas chromatography/ low-resolution mass spectrometry (HRGC/LRMS
EPA 8290A Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) by high-resolution gas chromatography/highresolution mass spectrometry (HRGC/HRMS)
EPA 8330A Nitroaromatics and nitramines by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
EPA 9012B Total and amenable cyanide (automated colorimetric, with off-line distillation)
EPA 9014 Titrimetric and manual spectrophotometric determinative methods for cyanide
EPA 9030B Acid-soluble and acid-insoluble sulfides: distillation
EPA 9040C pH electrometric measurement
EPA 9045D Soil and waste pH
EPA 9056A Determination of inorgainic anions by ion chromatography
EPA 9060A Total organic carbon
TAP-01-0406-166 Analysis and specification for uranium hexafluoride for enrichment
TAP-01-0406-166A Hydrolysis of UF6 samples
TAP-01-0406-166B Determination of uranium in UF6
TAP-01-0406-166C Analysis of isotropic composition of uranium in UF6 by ICP-MS
TAP-01-0406-166D Determination of metallic impurities in UF6 by ICP-AES
TAP-01-0406-166E Determination of technetium -99 in UF6 by ICP-MS
TAP-01-0406-166G Determination of bromide and chloride in UF6

TAP-01-0406-166H Determination of silicon in UF6
TAP-01-0406-166I Determination of phosphrous in UF6
TAP-01-0406-166J Preparation of UF6 Hydrolysates for metal
TAP-01-0411-007 Gross alpha and gross beta determinations
TAP-01-0411-013 Analysis of tritium in water
TAP-01-0411-015 Germanium gamma spectrum analysis of environmental matrices
TAP-01-0411-019 Analysis of iodine-129
TAP-01-0411-022 Strontium 89/90 in various environmental matrices
TAP-01-0411-043 Thorium and neptunium separation in environmental matrix
TAP-01-0411-044 Uranium, americium, curium and plutonium separation in environmental matrices
TAP-01-0411-045 Neodymium fluoride precipitation
TAP-01-0411-049 Analysis of technetium – 99
TAP-01-0411-052 Analysis for total activity by liquid scintillation counting
TAP-01-0411-053 Analysis of plutonium – 241
TAP-01-0411-054 Tritium and carbon - 14 preparation using sample oxidizer
TAP-01-0411-055 Analysis of iron – 55 and nickel – 59/63 by liquid scintillation counting
TAP-01-0411-056 Analysis of iron -55 and nickel – 69 by extended – range gamma analysis
TAP-01-0411-057 Analysis of nickel – 59/63 and iron – 55 by anion exchange resins
TAP-01-0411-058 Separation of iron – 55 and nickel - 59/63 with eichrom resins
TAP-01-0605-063 Method 8330 nitroaromatics and nitroamines (ordnance) analysis by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
TAP-01-0605-075 Analysis of solid and wipe samples for GB, VX, and HD
TAP-01-0605-089 Chemical agent decontamination testing using sorbent powder
TAP-01-0605-091 LCMS Analysis of soil, concrete, liquid (Rinsate), and wipe samples for VX
TAP-01-0605-094 LCMS analysis of wipe, soil/solid and liquid (Rinsate) samples for MPA, EMPA, DIMP, DMMP, TDG, IMPA and EA-2192

ANSI T1.319-2002 Equipment assemblies – fire propagation risk assessment criteria
Telcordia GR-63-CORE Seismic rated enclosures (Issue 4, Sections 5.2 and 5.5.2)
16 CFR 1633 Commercial practices – standard for the flammability (open flame) of mattress sets
16 CFR 1634 Commercial practices – standard test to upholstered furniture
ABD 0031 Fire test to aircraft material- Airbus standard
AITM 2.0007 Smoke Density Flaming Mode
AITM 3.0005 Combustion Toxicity for Insulated Wire/Cable
API 607 Fire test for soft-seated quarter turn valves
ASTM C1166 Standard test method for flame propagation of dense and cellular elastomeric gaskets and accessories
ASTM D635 Standard test method for rate of burning and/or extent and time of burning of plastics in a horizontal position
ASTM D1929 Standard test method for determining ignition temperature of plastics
ASTM D2859 Standard test method for ignition characteristics of finished textile floor covering materials
ASTM D2863 Standard test method for measuring the minimum oxygen concentration to support candle-like combustion of plastics (oxygen index)
ASTM D3675 Standard test method for measuring the minimum oxygen concentration to support candle-like combustion of plastics (oxygen index)
ASTM D3801 Standard test method for measuring the comparative burning characteristics of solid plastics in a vertical position
ASTM D5865 Standard test method for gross calorific value of coal and coke
ASTM D7309 Standard test method for determining flammability characteristics of plastics and other solid materials using microscale combustion calorimetry
ASTM E84 Standard test method for surface burning characteristics of building materials

ASTM E108 Standard test methods for fire tests of roof coverings
ASTM E119 Standard test methods for fire tests of building construction and materials
ASTM E136 Standard test method for behavior of materials in a vertical tube furnace at 750oC
ASTM E162 Standard test method for surface flammability of materials using a radiant heat energy source
ASTM E648 Standard test method for critical radiant flux of floor-covering systems using a radiant heat energy source
ASTM E662 Standard test method for specific optical density of smoke generated by solid materials
ASTM E800 Standard guide for measurement of gases present or generated during fires
ASTM E814 Standard test method for fire tests of penetration firestop systems
ASTM E970 Standard test method for critical radiant flux of exposed attic floor insulation using a radiant heat energy source
ASTM E1317 Standard test method for flammability of marine surface finishes
ASTM E1321 Standard test method for determining material ignition and flame spread properties
ASTM E1354 Standard test method for heat and visible smoke release rates for materials and products using an oxygen consumption calorimeter
ASTM E1474 Standard test method for determining the heat release rate of upholstered furniture and mattress components or composites using a bench scale oxygen consumption calorimeter
ASTM E1529 Standard test methods for determining effects of large hydrocarbon pool fires on structural members and assemblies
ASTM E1537 Standard test method for fire testing of upholstered furniture
ASTM E1590 Standard test method for fire testing of mattresses
ASTM E1725 Standard test methods for fire tests of fire-resistive barrier systems for electrical system components
ASTM E1740 Standard test method for determining the heat release rate and other fire-test-response characteristics of wall coverings or ceiling covering composites using a cone calorimeter

ASTM E1822 Standard test method for fire testing of stacked chairs
ASTM E2231 Standard practice for specimen preparation and mounting of pipe and duct insulation materials to asses surface burning characteristics
ASTM E2257 Standard test method for room fire test of wall and ceiling materials and assemblies
ASTM E2307 Standard test method for determining fire resistance of perimeter fire barriers using intermediate-scale, multi-story test apparatus
ASTM E2404 Standard practice for specimen preparation and mounting of textile, paper or polymeric (including vinyl) and wood wall or ceiling coverings, facings and veneers, to assess surface burning characteristics
ASTM E2573 Standard practice for specimen preparation and mounting of site-fabricated stretch systems to assess surface burning characteristics
ASTM E2579 Standard practice for specimen preparation and mounting of wood products to assess surface burning characteristics
ASTM E2599 Standard practice for specimen preparation and mounting of reflective insulation, radiant barrier and vinyl stretch ceiling materials for building applications to assess surface burning characteristics
ASTM E2816 Standard test methods for fire resistive metallic HVAC duct systems
ASTM F1387 Standard specification for performance of piping and tubing mechanically attached fittings: Section 7 – Fire Test
ASTM F3059 Standard specification for fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) gratings used in marine construction and shipbuilding: Section 17 – Structural Fire Integrity
BS 476-20 Fire tests on building materials and structures - part 20: method for determination of the fire resistance of elements of construction (general principles)
BS 476-21 Fire tests on building materials and structures – part 21: methods for determination of the fire resistance of loadbearing elements of construction
BS 476-22 Fire tests on building materials and structures – part 22: method for determination of the fire resistance of non-loadbearing elements of construction

BS 476-23 Fire tests on building materials and structures – part 23: methods for determination of the contribution of components to the fire resistance of a structure
BS 476-24 Fire tests on building materials and structures – part 24: method for determination of the fire resistance of ventilation ducts
BSS 7238 Fire test to aircraft material – smoke density
BSS 7239 Fire test to aircraft material – toxicity
CAL TB 116 Flame retardance of upholstered furniture
CAL TB 117 Flame retardance of resilient filling materials used in upholstered furniture
CAL TB 121 Flammability test procedure for mattresses for use in high risk occupancies
CAL TB 129 Flammability test procedure for mattresses for use in public buildings
CAL TB 133 Flammability testing of public seating
CAN/ULC-S102.2 Standard method of test for surface burning characteristics of building materials and assemblies
DOC FF-1-70 Standard for the surface flammability of small carpets and rugs
EB 4013 Compliant insulation products
ECE R34 Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to the prevention of fire risks, only Annex 5, Section 5
ECE R100 Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to specific requirements for the electric power train, Annex 8E, Fire resistance.
EN ISO 1182 Reaction to fire tests for products -- non-combustibility test
EN ISO 1716 Reaction to fire tests for products -- determination of the gross heat of combustion (calorific value)
EN ISO 9239-1 Reaction to fire tests for floorings -- part 1: determination of the burning behaviour using a radiant heat source
EN ISO 11925-2 Reaction to fire tests -- ignitability of products subjected to direct impingement of flame -- part 2: single-flame source test
EN 13823 Single burning item test for building materials and products
EPA TO-15 Determination of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in air

FAR 23.853 Airworthiness standards: normal, utility, acrobatic, and commuter category airplanes – design and construction – fire protection - passenger and crew compartment interiors
FAR 25.853 Airworthiness standards: transport category airplanes – design and construction – compartment interiors
FM 2000 Automatic control mode sprinklers for fire protection (sections 4.7, 4.36 to 4.40 and 4.42)
FM 2008 Automatic control mode sprinklers for fire protection (sections 4.8, 4.9 and 4.33 to 4.37)
FM 4651 Plastic suspended ceiling panels
FM 4996 Classification of pallets and other material handling products as equivalent to wood pallets (appendix C)
FM 5560 Water mist systems
IMO FTP Code Annex 1 Part 1 Non-combustibility test
IMO FTP Code Annex 1 Part 2 Smoke and toxicity test
IMO FTP Code Annex 1 Part 3 Test for "A", "B" and "F" class divisions
IMO FTP Code Annex 1 Part 5 Test for surface flammability (test for surface materials and primary deck coverings) (Lift)
IMO FTP Code Annex 1 Part 6 Test for primary deck coverings
IMO FTP Code Annex 1 Part 7 Test for vertically supported textiles and films (BB test)
IMO FTP Code Annex 1 Part 8 Test for upholstered furniture
IMO FTP Code Annex 1 Part 9 Test for bedding components
IMO MSC 265 Guidelines for the approval of sprinkler systems equivalent to that referred to in solas regulation II-2/12
IMO MSC 848 Guidelines for the approval of equivalent fixed gas fire-extinguishing systems, as referred to in solas 74, for machinery spaces and cargo pump-rooms
IMO MSC 913 Guidelines for the approval of fixed water-based local application fire-fighting systems for use in category A machinery spaces
IMO MSC 1165 Guidelines for the approval of equivalent water-based fire-extinguishing systems for machinery spaces and cargo pump-rooms
IMO MSC 1268 Guidelines for the approval of fixed pressure water-spraying and water-based fire-extinguishing systems for cabin balconies

IMO MSC 1272 Guidelines for the approval of fixed water-based fire-fighting systems for ro-ro spaces and special category spaces equivalent to that referred to in resolution A.123(V)
IMO Resolutions A.753(18) Guidelines for the application of plastic pipe on ships
IMO Resolutions A.754(18) Recommendation on fire resistance tests for A, B, F class divisions
ISO 834-1 Fire-resistance tests -- elements of building construction -- part 1: general requirements
ISO 834-4 Fire-resistance tests -- elements of building construction -- part 4: specific requirements for loadbearing vertical separating elements
ISO 834-5 Fire-resistance tests -- Elements of building construction -- Part 5: Specific requirements for loadbearing horizontal separating elements
ISO 834-6 Fire-resistance tests -- elements of building construction -- part 6: specific requirements for beams
ISO 834-7 Fire-resistance tests -- elements of building construction -- part 7: specific requirements for columns
ISO 834-8 Fire-resistance tests -- elements of building construction -- part 8: specific requirements for non-loadbearing vertical separating elements
ISO 834-9 Fire-resistance tests -- elements of building construction -- part 9: specific requirements for non-loadbearing ceiling elements
ISO 871 Plastics -- determination of ignition temperature using a hot-air furnace
ISO 5659-2 Plastics -- smoke generation -- part 2: determination of optical density by a single-chamber test
ISO 5660-1 Reaction-to-fire tests -- heat release, smoke production and mass loss rate -- part 1: heat release rate (cone calorimeter method) and smoke production rate (dynamic measurement)
ISO 5660-2 Reaction-to-fire tests -- heat release, smoke production and mass loss rate -- part 2: smoke production rate (dynamic measurement)
ISO 9705 Fire tests -- full-scale room test for surface products
ISO 15371 Ships and marine technology -- fire-extinguishing systems for protection of galley cooking equipment

MIL-DTL-24640B Detail specification: cables – lightweight – electric - for shipboard use - general specification
MIL-F-24385F Military specification: fire extinguishing agent - aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) liquid concentrate - for fresh and seawater
MIL-PRF-32161 Performance specification: insulation - high temperature fire protection - thermal and acoustic
NES 711 Determination of the smoke index of the products of combustion from small specimens of materials
NES 713 Issue 3 Determination of the toxicity index of the products of combustion from small specimens of materials
NFPA 10 Standard for portable fire extinguishers (annex G)
NFPA 11 Standard for low-, medium-, and high-expansion foam (annex D, G, and H)
NFPA 18 Standard on wetting agents (sections 5.3.4 and 5.3.5)
NFPA 130 Standard for fixed guideway transit and passenger rail systems, chapter 8.4, flammability and smoke emission; and chapter 8.5, fire performance (ASTM C1166, D3675, E119, E162, E648, and E662)
NFPA 251 Standard methods of tests of fire resistance of building construction and materials
NFPA 252 Standard methods of fire tests of door assemblies
NFPA 253 Standard method of test for critical radiant flux of floor covering systems using a radiant heat energy source
NFPA 255 Standard method of test of surface burning characteristics of building materials
NFPA 256 Standard methods of fire tests of roof coverings
NFPA 257 Standard on fire test for window and glass block assemblies
NFPA 258 Recommended practice for determining smoke generation of solid materials
NFPA 259 Standard test method for potential heat of building materials
NFPA 265 Standard methods of fire tests for evaluating room fire growth contribution of textile or expanded vinyl wall coverings on full height panels and walls
NFPA 268 Standard test method for determining ignitability of exterior wall assemblies using a radiant heat energy source

NFPA 271 Standard method of test for heat and visible smoke release rates for materials and products using an oxygen consumption calorimeter
NFPA 285 Standard fire test method for evaluation of fire propagation characteristics of exterior non-load-bearing wall assemblies containing combustible components
NFPA 286 Standard methods of fire tests for evaluating contribution of wall and ceiling interior finish to room fire growth
NFPA 415 Standard on airport terminal buildings, fueling ramp drainage, and loading walkways
NFPA 701 Standard methods of fire tests for flame propagation of textiles and films
SMP-800-C Toxic gas generation
UBC 7-1 Fire test of building construction and materials
UBC 7-2 Fire tests of door assemblies
UBC 7-4 Fire test of window assemblies
UBC 7-5 Fire test of through-penetration
UBC 7-6 Thickness, density determination and cohesion/adhesion for spray-applied fire-resistive material
UBC 8-1 Test method for surface-burning characteristics of building materials
UBC 8-2 Standard test method for evaluating room fire growth contribution of textile wall covering
UBC 15-2 Test standard for determining the fire retardancy of roof assemblies
UBC 26-1 Test method to determine potential heat of building materials
UBC 26-3 Room fire test standard for interior of foam plastic systems
UBC 26-6 Ignition properties of plastics
UBC 26-7 Method of test for determining classification of approved light-transmitting plastics
UBC 31-1 Flame-retardant membranes
UL 9 Standard for fire tests of window assemblies
UL 10B Standard for fire tests of door assemblies

UL 10C Standard for positive pressure fire tests of door assemblies
UL 94 Standard for tests for flammability of plastic materials for parts in devices and appliances
UL 162 Standard for foam equipment and liquid concentrates (sections 8 to14)
UL 199 Standard for automatic sprinklers for fire-protection service (sections 30, 31.2 and 57 to 62)
UL 263 Standard for fire tests of building construction and materials
UL 555 Standard for fire dampers
UL 555C Standard for ceiling dampers
UL 711 Rating and fire testing of fire extinguishers
UL 723 Standard for test for surface burning characteristics of building materials
UL 790 Standard for standard test methods for fire tests of roof covering
UL 1479 Standard for fire tests of penetration firestops
UL 1685 Standard for vertical-tray fire-propagation and smoke-release test for electrical and optical-fiber cables
UL 1709 Standard for rapid rise fire tests of protection materials for structural steel
UL 1715 Standard for fire test of interior finish material
UL 1887 Standard for fire test of plastic sprinkler pipe for visible flame and smoke characteristics
UL 1975 Standard for fire tests for foamed plastics used for decorative purposes
UL 2085 Standard for protected aboveground tanks for flammable and combustible liquids
UL 2335 Standard for fire tests of storage pallets
ASTM C518 Standard test method for steady-state thermal transmission properties by means of the heat flow meter apparatus
NFPA 275 Standard method of fire tests for the evaluation of thermal barriers

UBC 26-2 Test method for the evaluation of thermal barriers
ABD: Airbus Directive
AITM: American Institute of Timber Construction
API: American Petroleum Institute
BSS: British Standards Society
CA TB: California Technical Bulletin
EB: Electric Boat Corporation
ECE: Economic Commission for Europe
FAR: Federal Aviation Regulations
FM: Factory Mutual
IMO: International Maritime Organization
MIL-DTL: Military Detail
MIL-PFR: Military Performance
NES: Naval Engineering Standard
NFPA: National Fire Protection Association
UBC: Uniform Building Code
UL: Underwriters Laboratories
ULC: Underwriters Laboratories Canada

OTI 95634JetFire   http://www.fire-test.com/teststandard/imo/12529.html
ISO 22899-1喷射防火测试 http://www.fire-test.com/laboratory/12708.html 
IMO A.753(18) L1耐火等级测试 http://www.fire-test.com/teststandard/imo/12433.html 
IMO FTPC Part 5: 低播焰测试测试 https://www.fire-test.cn/newsinfo/836283.html
IMO FTPC Part 2: 烟雾毒性测试  https://www.fire-test.cn/newsinfo/836197.html


南京睿督公司免费咨询电话:025-86583475  400-603-6575
网址:www.fire-test.com   www.fire-test.cn

 来源:防火网  发布时间:12/10/2021  点击次数:756

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