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EN ISO 9239-1:2010地
EN ISO 1182:2010
NF P 92-501
NF P 92-507
EN ISO 1182
EN ISO 9239-1
EN 13501-1
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About Element Warrington英国UKAS 0249实验室

About Element Warrington英国UKAS 0249实验室

Warringtonfire is the Fire Safety Services Testing team within the Element Group 

Warringtonfire, Warrington offers a comprehensive range of impartial and independent fire safety services to a diverse range of sectors across the world. Our services include fire safety design strategies, through testing and certification of passive fire products, to inspection, commissioning and certification of completed projects.

Our specialist team of engaged experts are professional, discreet, friendly, and approachable and have for over 40 years, consistently helped our customers to make certain that the materials and products we test, inspect and certify for them are safe, quality, compliant and fit for purpose.

ELEMENT实验室与著名实验室Exova Warringtonfire强强合作合而为一,为广大客户提供专业权威的第三方检测认证服务。Element实验室-元素材料科技公司(Element Materials Technology)创建于1827年,目前在全世界有60多个分支检测机构和近2000名员工,在国际航空航天检测领域堪称全球最大、资质最齐全、技术最领先的检测公司。南京睿督为ELEMENT实验室授权合作实验室,南京睿督公司咨询电话:025-8658 3475。

Element and Exova have become ONE,Exova Warringtonfire is part of Element Materials Technology (Element), a world-class global testing partner.Warringtonfire Product to be part of Element,Warringtonfire沃灵顿防火消防实验室是英国皇家认可委员会(UKAS)认可实验室,其UKAS编号为:UKAS 0249。Warringtonfire实验室在防火消防等领域处于世界领先地位,由Warringtonfire实验室所出具的测试报告及证书受到大家广泛认可。南京睿督公司与Warringtonfire实验室在中国区的授权合作机构,Warringtonfire认证具体内容,请联系025-8658 3475。

南京睿督公司已经协助众多企业成功取得Warringtonfire沃灵顿实验室及Element Material Technology所出具的防火耐火等测试报告,更多关于Warringtonfire防火耐火测试,请咨询南京睿督公司


-BS 476: PART 3: 2004 - External Fire exposure roof test
-BS 476: PART 4:1970 - Non-combustibility test for materials
-BS 476: PART 5: 1979 - Method of test of ignitability
-BS 476: PART 6: 1989 - Method of test for propagation for products
-BS 476: PART 7: 1997 - Surface spread of flame test for materials
-BS 476: PART 11: 1982 - Method for assessing the heat emission from building materials
-BS 476: Part 12:1991 - Ignitability of Products by Direct Flame Impingement
-BS 476: Part 15:1992 - Method for measuring heat release of products - Cone Calorimeter
-BS 6401 - Smoke density test
-BS 6853: 1999: Annex B.1 - Toxicity test
-BS 6853: 1999: Annex B.2 - Determination Of Weighted Summation Of Toxic Fume, R. Area Based Test Method.
-BS 6853: 1999: Annex D.8.3 - Small Scale Smoke Test
-BS 6853: 1999: Annex D.8.4 - Panel Smoke Test
-BS 6853: 1999: Annex D.8.5 - Seating Smoke Test
-BS 6853: 1999: Annex D.8.6 - Flooring Smoke Test
-BS 6853: 1999: Annex D.8.7 - Cable Smoke Test
-BS EN 13823 (SBI) - Single Burning Item Test
-BS EN 1869 - Fire blanket test
-BS EN 50268 (Superseded by IEC 61034)
-BS EN 60695-11 Glow Wire test
-BS EN 60695-12 Glow Wire test
-BS EN 60695-13 Glow Wire test
-BS EN ISO 1182 - Non-combustibility test.
-BS EN ISO 11925-2 - Ignitability when subjected to Direct Flame Impingement
-BS EN ISO 1716 - Bomb Calorimeter
-BS EN ISO 4589: Part 2 - Oxygen Index Test
-BS EN ISO 4589: Part 3 - Elevated Oxygen Index Test
-BS EN ISO 4589: Part 3 – Appendix A Temperature Index Test
-BS EN ISO 9239-1 – Radiant Panel Floor Test
-BS 5803 (loft Insulation)

-NFP 92-501 - Epiradiateur
-NFP 92-503 - Electric Burner Test
-NFP 92-504 - Rate of Spread of Flame test
-NFP 92-505 - Dripping Test
-NFX 10-702 - Smoke Density Test
-NFX 70-100 - Mass Based Toxicity Test
-F-Rating summary report in accordance with NFF 16-101
-DIN 4102: Part 7 – Roof test
-ISO 5659-2: 2006 - Determination of Specific Optical Density
-ISO 5660-1 - Cone Calorimeter
-ISO 9705:1993 - Full-scale room test for surface products.
-ISO 5658 -  Surface Spread of Flame Test.
-EN 1869 - Fire blanket test
-European Directive 95/28/EC: Annex IV
-European Directive 95/28/EC: Annex V

IMO Res MSC 307(88)
-IMO A.653 (16) As Amended By IMO Resolution MSC 307(88): Annex 1, Part 5
-IMO Resolution  A.652 (16) - Recommendation on Fire Test Procedures for upholstered furniture
-IMO Resolution A 471 (Xll) as amended by A.563 (14) - Recommendation on test method for determining the resistance to flame             of vertically supported textiles and films
-IMO Resolution A.688 (17)- Fire Test Procedures for ignitability of bedding components.
-IMO Resolution MSC 40(64) - Full-scale room test for surface products.
-IMO Resolution MSC 61(67): Annex 1, Part 1 - Non-combustibility test.
-IMO Resolution MSC 61(67): Annex 1, Part 2 - Smoke and Toxicity test MSC / Circ 1006

-ASTM E648  Radiant Panel Floor Test
-ASTM E662  Smoke Density Test
-NES 711 – Smoke Density Test
-NES 713 – Toxic Gas Emissions
-NFX 10-702 - Smoke Density Test
-NFX 70-100 - Mass Based Toxicity Test
-BS EN 60684-2 fluorine content
-ABD 0031 Smoke and toxicity
-IEC 50267-2: Parts 1, 2 & 3 – Gas emission test
-IEC 60754: Part 1 – Gas emission test
-IEC 60754: Part 2 – Gas emission test
-CERTIFIRE DTS 63 – Temporary Protective Coverings Test

Package includes all tests specified in DTS 63

Mining Grating Test
(In-house Test Procedure)
PAS 017 Amended 14 September 1999
Clause 10.1 - Flammable Liquid Test
Mudguard Testing -
(In-house Test Procedure)
WFR TP 002: January 1999
BS 476:PART 3: 2004
External Fire exposure roof test
DD ENV 1187: Test 1
DD ENV 1187: Test 2
DD ENV 1187: Test 4
ENV 1187 Test 4 / BS 476: Part 3: 2004 combination test
DIN 4102: Part 7
UIC 564-2 Appendix 5
UIC 564-2 Appendix 11
UIC 564-2 Appendix 12
UIC 564-2 Appendix 13
CEN TS 45545-2 Annex A CEN TS 45545-2 Annex B
Annex A with Annex B package
CEN TS 45545-2 Annex C (Smoke and Toxicity Chamber Test)
ISO 5659-2 in one mode only (as required in prCEN TS 45545-2 where no toxicity measurement is required)
IEC 332-1 - Small Scale Cable Propagation Test
IEC 50267-2: Parts 1, 2 & 3 – Gas emission test
IEC 60754: Part 1 – Gas emission test
IEC 60754: Part 2 – Gas emission test
ASTM E1980 SRI-Solar Reflectance Index

更多关于英国UKAS资质Element Warrington实验室具体测试内容,请咨询南京睿督公司
南京睿督公司全国免费咨询电话:025-8658 3475   400-603-6575

 来源:防火网  发布时间:5/11/2020  点击次数:1367

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