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首页   政策法规   门窗铰链CE认证 EN1935:2002欧盟CE认证标准检测要求

门窗铰链CE认证 EN1935:2002欧盟CE认证标准检测要求

EN1935建筑五金件-门窗铰链合页CE Marking(欧盟强制CE认证),门窗铰链这个东西在我们生活中再常见不过了,在每一个门和窗户上都会有门窗铰链,门窗铰链是属于五金配件产品,这类产品出口欧盟需要按照EN1935标准进行CE认证检测的。铰链的质量好坏直接关系到家具与门的使用。南京睿督公司为欧盟公告号实验室国内授权合作机构,专业从事建筑产品CE认证十多年,更多关于N1935 Grade11欧盟公告号CE认证请咨询南京睿督公司,咨询电话:025-8658 3475。

Initial friction torque measurements 初始摩擦扭矩测量
Load-Deformation Test 静载变形测试
Overload Test 过载测试
Shear Strength Test 剪切强度测试
Durability Test 疲劳测试
Corrosion Resistance Test 腐蚀抗性测试
Hinges for use on fire-resistance and/or smoke-controldoors 用于防火或烟控门上的铰链附加测试
Hinges for use on burglar-resistance doors 用于防盗门上的铰链附加测试

EN1935:2002 Digit 1 – Category of use
Four categories of use are identified:
Grade 1: light duty
Grade 2: medium duty
Grade 3: heavy duty
Grade 4: severe duty

EN1935:2002 Digit 2 – Durability
Three grades are identified for single-axis hinges manufactured to this European standard:
Grade 3: 10,000 test cycles, for light duty hinges on windows only
Grade 4: 25,000 test cycles, for light duty hinges on windows and doors
Grade 7: 200,000 test cycles, for medium, heavy and severe duty hinges on doors only

EN1935:2002 Digit 3 – Test door mass
Eight door mass grades related to single-axis hinges are identified in this European standard as shown in table below.

EN1935:2002 Digit 4 – Suitability for fire/smoke door use
Two grades of suitability are identified for single-axis hinges:
Grade 0: not suitable for fire/smoke resistant door assemblies
Grade 1: suitable for fire/smoke resistant door assemblies subject to satisfactory assessment of the contribution of the single axis hinge to the fire resistance of the specified fire/smoke door assemblies.

EN1935:2002 Digit 5 – Safety
Single-axis hinges are required to satisfy the essential requirements of safety in use. Therefore, only grade 1 is identified.

EN1935:2002 Digit 6 – Corrosion resistance
Five grades of corrosion resistance are identified in accordance with BS EN 1670:2007
Grade 0: no defined corrosion resistance
Grade 1: mild resistance
Grade 2: moderate resistance
Grade 3: high resistance
Grade 4: very high resistance

EN1935:2002 Digit 7 – Security
Two grades of security are identified for single-axis hinges:
Grade 0: not suitable for use on burglar-resistant door assemblies
Grade 1: suitable for applications requiring a degree of security. Annex C of this European standard details the hinge grade to use for the level of security required.

EN1935:2002 Digit 8 – Hinge grade
Fourteen grades are identified in this European standard and are detailed in table 2 below. The full classification is shown in the standard.

建筑五金-锁具CE认证 EN12209:2016 http://www.firete.com/news/zhengce/15625.html  
锁具CE认证 EN12209:2016

从2013年7月1日起,欧盟颁布的建筑产品CPR法规(Construction Product Regulation简称305/2011/EU-CPR法规)已全面取代原来的建筑产品CPD指令(Construction Product Directive简称CPD指令),欧盟305/2011/EU-CPR法规将对建筑产品CE认证的要求更加严格。要求铰链合页CE认证必须由欧盟公告号机构测试并发证。南京睿督公司为欧盟公告号机构NB1301的授权机构。能为您提供专业权威的铰链合页CE认证证书及相关服务。咨询电话:025-8658 3475。

南京睿督公司咨询电话:025-8658 3475   400-603-6575
www.hksmartps.com       www.fire-test.cn   


 来源:防火网 发布时间:9/15/2021 点击次数:1317

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