保温隔热材料ETAG(EAD)认证标准 EAD 040005-00-1201 Factory-Made thermal and/or acoustic insulation products made of vegetable or animal fibers EAD 040090-00-1201 Factory-Made boards and products formed by moulding of an expanded polylactic acid (epla) for thermal and/or acoustical insulation EAD 040138-00-1201 in-site formed loose fill thermal and/or acoustic insulation products made of vegetable fibers
EAD 040005-00-1201保温材料适用范围 The construction products consist of vegetable or animal fibres with or without binding agent or supporting/blinding fibres, in form of mats or boards, with or without a facing, hereinafter referred to as insulation product.
This European Assessment Document (EAD) has been developed taking into account up-to-date technical and scientific knowledge at the time of issue and is published in accordance with the relevant provisions of Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 as a basis for the preparation and issuing of European Technical Assessments (ETA).
从2013年7月1日起,欧盟强制实施建筑产品CPR法规(Construction Product Regulation简称No.305/2011/EU-CPR法规) ,新的CPR法规取代之前的CPD指令(Construction Product Directive简称CPD:89/106/EEC指令) ,南京睿督公司为欧盟公告号机构的授权合作机构,将为您提供专业权威的建筑产品CE认证。
相关内容参考: 欧盟产品CE认证强制要求国家http://www.hksmartps.com/cekonwledge/3758.html 建材CE检测认证机构-南京睿督公司 http://www.hksmartps.com/certification/3602.html 欧盟CE认证 http://www.hksmartps.com/ce/ 欧盟CPR法规 http://www.hksmartps.com/ce/cpr/
南京睿督公司为欧盟公告号授权合作机构,已专业从事建筑产品CE认证十多年,在建材欧盟CE认证方面拥有丰富经验,专业权威与您分享保温隔热材料ETAG(EAD)认证具体内容,咨询电话:025-8658 3475。
南京睿督公司咨询电话:025-8658 3475 400-603-6575 网址:www.hksmartps.com 邮箱:info@hksmartps.com