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EN ISO 9239-1:2010地
EN ISO 1182:2010
NF P 92-501
NF P 92-507
EN ISO 1182
EN ISO 9239-1
EN 13501-1
首页   机车材料防火测试   国际铁路联盟轨道车辆防火标准UIC 564-2

国际铁路联盟轨道车辆防火标准UIC 564-2

1.      国际铁路联盟轨道车辆防火标准: UIC 564-2


UIC 564-2: Regulations relating to fire protection and firefighting measures in passenger carrying railway vehicles or assimilated used on international services.

UIC 564-2: 国际载客轨道车辆防火和消防规范。


UIC 564-2 Appendix 4 (Fire resistance to spread of flame)

UIC 564-2附录4 (火焰蔓延测试)


2.国际铁路联盟轨道车辆防火测试UIC 564-2所涉及的产品和标准:


UIC 564-2 Appendix 5 (Fire resistance of textiles)

UIC 564-2 附录5 (纺织品防火阻燃性测试)


UIC 564-2 Appendix 6 (Fire resistance of rubber door and window seals)

UIC 564-2 附录6 (轨道车辆门窗橡胶密封条的防火阻燃测试)


UIC 564-2 Appendix 7 (Fire resistance of materials by oxygen number)

UIC 564-2 附录7(通过氧指数评定材料的防火阻燃性能测试)


UIC 564-2 Appendix 8 (Fire resistance of foam materials)

UIC 564-2 附录8(发泡材料的防火阻燃测试)


UIC 564-2 Appendix 9 (Fire resistance of electric cables)

UIC 564-2 附录9 (电线电缆的防火阻燃测试)


UIC 564-2 Appendix 10 (Fire resistance of interconnecting gangway rubber flanges)

UIC 564-2附录10 (橡胶法兰产品的防火阻燃测试)


UIC 564-2 Appendix 11 (Fire resistance of rigid thermoplastic materials)

UIC 564-2附录11 (刚性热塑材料的防火阻燃测试)


UIC 564-2 Appendix 12 (Fire resistance of floor coverings)

UIC 564-2附录12 (地面材料的防火阻燃性测试)


UIC 564-2 Appendix 13 (Fire resistance of seats)

UIC 564-2附录13(座椅防火阻燃性测试)


UIC 895: 单根线缆测试


 来源:防火网 发布时间:12/7/2010 点击次数:4092

 上一条: NF F 16-101/ IEC 60695-2-11:2000 灼热丝测试

 下一条: BS 6853 Annex B.1基于质量的毒性测试/BS 6853:1999
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