Gost 12.1.044-1989 Occupational safety standards system. Fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials. Range of indices and methods of their determination. Gost-12.1.044-1989 劳动安全标准,物质和材料的爆炸火灾危险,指标名称及其测定方法。
Gost 12.1.044-89 (CMEA Standard 4831-84,CMEA Standard 6219-88,International Standard ISO4589,CMEA Standard 6527-88).
本Gost 12.1.044-1989标准的目的为减少避免火灾的发生,保证人员的安全、保证财产的安全等。Gost 12.1.044-1989标准对地铁、地铁、高铁等机车材料的防火阻燃烟雾毒性进行检测。The Standard to eliminate outbreak of fire; to provide people with fire safety; to provide wealth with fire safety;
The product shall comply with the Regulation 123-FZ. Testing must be carried out in accordance with GOST 12.1.044. In general the following parameters to be checked: flammability flame spread index toxicity smoke developed index
英国轨道车辆标准:BS6853;法国轨道车辆标准:NFF16-101/NFF16-102;德国轨道车辆标准:DIN5510-2;美国轨道车辆标准: NFPA 130;欧盟轨道车辆标准: EN45545-2等标准的防火阻燃毒性测试;意大利标准UNI CEI 11170-3;国际铁路联盟标准UIC564-2。
更多关于地铁动车高铁等轨道车辆用材料的Gost-12.1.044-1989俄罗斯防火测试,请咨询中国防火网。 中国防火网全国免费咨询电话: 400-666-7290 网址: www.firete.com 邮箱: info@firete.com
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