IMO A.753(18) 船上使用塑料管道指南 Guidelines for the Use of Plastic Pipes on Ships OTI 95634 被动防火材料耐喷射火试验 Jet Fire Jet Fire Resistance Test of Passive Fire Protection Materials
ISO 22899-1 Determination of the resistance to jet fires of passive fire protection materials - Part 1: General requirements ISO 22899-1 被动防火材料的抗喷火的测定.第1部分: 一般要求
ISO/TR 22899-2-2013 Determination of the resistance to jet fires of passive fire protection - Part 2: Guidance on classification and implementation methods ISO/TR 22899-2-2013 被动消防喷射火耐性的测定.第2部分:分类和实施方法导则