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EN ISO 9239-1:2010地
EN ISO 1182:2010
NF P 92-501
NF P 92-507
EN ISO 1182
EN ISO 9239-1
EN 13501-1
首页   耐火检测   Fire Resistance Regulations 澳洲BCA防火门AS1905.1 & AS1530.4

Fire Resistance Regulations 澳洲BCA防火门AS1905.1 & AS1530.4

BCA Fire Resistance Provisions

Section C of the BCA covers the fire protection requirements for building designs and is written to ensure safe evacuation of occupants and minimise the fire risk to adjoining property.

Fire Door Assemblies

Fire resistant door assemblies are referenced in BCA Section C3 (specification C3.4 .2) and are required to comply with Australian standard AS1905.1: 2005.

AS1905.1:2005 Components for the fire protection of openings in fire resistant walls Part 1: Fire doors

Specifies the construction and installation requirements for side hung, pivoted and sliding fire door assemblies. It provides guidance on installation of door frames, as well as acceptable clearances allowed around the edges of the installed door leaf. This standard also details fire testing requirements for hardware fitted to the fire door assemblies and provides guidance on permissible variations. Fire-resistance level (FRL) of a fire door and any constituent hardware is determined by fire testing a representative sample in accordance with AS1530.4.

AS1530.4: 2014 Fire resistance tests of elements of building construction

This standard provides a fire test methodology and a set of exposure conditions that allows a building element’s fire resistance level (FRL) to be determined. A rating is attributed according to the elements ability to maintain its structural adequacy, the ability to maintain fire integrity, as well as its resistance to the transfer of heat which determines its insulation value.


AS1905.1 防火墙开口保护构建—第一部分:防火门




AS1530.4 建筑材料、构件和结构的耐火试验方法 第4部分:建筑构件的耐火试验




◆ 南京睿督| 防火阻燃检测 | 构件耐火性能检测 

建筑材料:GB 8624, EN 13501-1, BS 476-4, BS 476-6, BS 476-7, DIN 4102-1, NF P92-501, NF P92-503,NF P92-507,ASTM E162, ASTM E84,ASTM E648,EN ISO 5660-1,ISO 5658-2,ISO 1716,EN 4589, AS 1530.1, AS 1530.3,ASTM E662, ISO 5659-2

耐火构件:ISO 834-1, GB 9978, GB 14102, GB 14907, GB/T 7633, EN 1363, EN 1364, EN 1366, EN 45545-3, BS 476-20, BS 476-21, BS 476-22, BS 476-23, ASTM E119, ASTM E814, AS 1530.4

轨道车辆:EN 45545-2, EN 45545-3, TB/T 3237, NFPA 130, TB 3138, NF F16-101, BS 6853, DIN 5510-2, UIC 564-2, 

船舶设备:IMO FTPC Part 1/ Part 2/ Part 3/ Part 4/ Part 5/ Part 6/Part 7/Part 8/ Part 9

◆ 联系我们

南京睿督公司咨询电话:025-8658 3475  400-603-6575  
网址:www.firete.com   www.fire-test.com
微信号:firetesting  或 17714189018


 来源:防火网 发布时间:1/13/2025 点击次数:245

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