NFPA 268 Standard Test Method for Determining Ignitability of Exterior Wall Assemblies Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source NFPA 268 运用辐射热源的内墙点燃性的标准测试
NFPA 268是将1.2m×2.4m试验样品暴露在12.5kW/m2的热流下并强制点燃20分钟。
NFPA 268-This test method evaluates the propensity of ignition ofan exterior wall assembly where subiected to a minimum radi-ant heat flux of 12.5 kw/m(1.10 Btu/ft"se0). This methoddetermines whether ignition of an exterior wall assemblyoccurs when the wall is exposed to a specified radiant heat flux,in the presence of a pilot ignition source, during a 20-minuteperiod
NFPA 286墙壁和屋顶室内燃烧的扩散率的标准测试方法 美标NFPA285防火性能测试
我们同时提供各国防火阻燃标准测试,如英国BS6853、德国DIN5510-2、法国NFF16-101/NFF16-102,美国NFPA130,欧盟EN45545,BS476-6,BS476-7,M等级测试,I级氧指数测试、F级烟雾毒性测试,Room Corner Test ( including UBC 8-2, NFPA 286, UBC 26-3)等
更多关于NFPA286美标防火测试的详细内容,请咨询南京睿督公司 南京睿督公司咨询电话:025-8658 3475 400-603-6575 网址 邮箱