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首页   建筑产品防火测试   澳标AS5113建筑外墙火灾蔓延测试及分类


南京睿督公司专业提供澳洲NATA资质的AS5113标准建筑外墙防火测试。建筑外墙材料(外墙保温材料,铝塑板,铝单板,金属复合板等)防火性能至关重要,澳标AS 5113防火测试,请咨询南京睿督公司,咨询电话:025-86583475。

AS 5113建筑外墙防火测试标准
AS 5113:2016 Fire propagation testing and classification of external wall of buildings (Australian Standard) AS 5113:2016 建筑外墙火灾蔓延试验和分类(澳大利亚标准)

AS 5113标准适用范围
AS 5113 standard sets out the procedures for the fire propagation testing and classification of external walls of buildings according to their tendency to limit the spread of fire via the external wall and between adjacent buildings.
AS 5113 standard is applicable to fire propagation via all external vertical or near vertical surfaces and covers all types of external wall systems, including facades, outer skins, core materials, cavities and attachments.
AS 5113 standard does not address the fire resistance and load bearing capacity of external wall, the fire hazard properties of internal surfaces or the impact of combustible construction on the fire severity of a fire occurring within a building.

AS 5113外墙防火测试
External wall fire tests shall be performed according to ISO 13785-2 or BS 8414.

NATA为澳大利亚认可委员会/认可组织National Association of Testing Authorities的简称。由澳洲NATA资质实验室所出具的测试报告及证书在澳洲具有绝对的权威性。南京睿督公司携手澳大利亚NATA资质实验室为广大客户提供澳标测试。咨询电话:025-8658 3475。

AS 1530.1可燃性测试-相关标准
BS 476-4 材料、组件和结构的防火测试方法-第1部分:材料可燃性测试;
AS1530.1 建材防火测试方法 零部件和构件 - 材料的可燃性测试;
AS1530.2 建材防火测试方法 零部件和构件 - 软质薄膜材料的易燃性测试;
AS1530.3 建材防火测试方法 零部件和构件 - 可燃性,火焰传播,放热和烟雾的同时测定;
AS1530.4 建材防火测试方法 零部件和构件 - 构造元件的阻燃测试;
AS1530.7 建材防火测试方法 零部件和构件 - 烟雾控制组件 - 周围和中间温度泄漏测试程序;
AS1530.8.1 建材防火测试方法 零部件和构件 - 暴露于模拟林区大火建筑构件的测试 - 辐射热和小火焰;
AS1530.8.2 建材防火测试方法 零部件和构件 - 暴露于模拟林区大火建筑构件的测试 - 大火焰;
AS1530.3燃烧性能测试  http://www.firete.com/popular_standards/8196.html  

更多关于澳标AS 5113防火测试,请咨询南京睿督公司
南京睿督公司免费咨询电话:025-8658 3475 400-603-6575

 来源:防火网 发布时间:1/8/2020 点击次数:1633

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