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CE marking-CE标志 / 睿督欧盟CE认证
The letters ‘CE’ appear on many products traded on the extended Single Market in the European Economic Area (EEA). They signify that products sold in the EEA have been assessed to meet high safety, health, and environmental protection requirements. When you buy a new phone, a teddy bear, or a TV within the EEA, you can find the CE mark on them. CE marking also supports fair competition by holding all companies accountable to the same rules.
By affixing the CE marking to a product, a manufacturer declares that the product meets all the legal requirements for CE marking and can be sold throughout the EEA. This also applies to products made in other countries that are sold in the EEA.
There are two main benefits CE marking brings to businesses and consumers within the EEA:
Businesses know that products bearing the CE marking can be traded in the EEA without restrictions.
Consumers enjoy the same level of health, safety, and environmental protection throughout the entire EEA.
CE marking is a part of the EU’s harmonisation legislation, which is mainly managed by Directorate-General for Internal market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs. The CE marking for Restriction of Hazardous Substances is managed by Directorate-General for Environment. Comprehensive guidance on the implementation of EU product rules can be found in the so-called Blue Guide.
This website provides information for manufacturers, importers and distributors on their responsibilities when placing a product on the EEA market. It also informs consumers about the rights and benefits that CE marking brings them.
If you’re looking for information on CE marking in your country, contact the Enterprise Europe Network or check the list of contact points in the EEA.
Not all products must have CE marking. It is compulsory only for most of the products covered by the New Approach Directives. It is forbidden to affix CE marking to other products.
Please note that a CE marking does not indicate that a product have been approved as safe by the EU or by another authority. It does not indicate the origin of a product either.
CE Marking for construction products
The CE marking indicates that a construction product is in conformity with its declared performance and that it has been assessed according to a harmonised European standard or a European Technical Assessment has been issued for it.
欧盟公告机构 Notified Body-欧盟CE认证机构 & 南京睿督 http://www.cprce.com/Certification/CEforConstruction/1643.html
捷克TZUS(NB1020)欧盟强制CE认证及ETA认证 http://www.cprce.com/Certification/CEforConstruction/872.html
欧盟官网如何查询NB公告号实验室及能力范围-NB 1301(TSUS) http://www.cprce.com/Certification/CEforConstruction/1024.html
南京睿督公司为欧盟公告号Notified Body实验室授权合作机构,可以直接受理各类建筑产品CE认证及ETA认证
南京睿督全国免费咨询电话:400-603-6575 025-8658 3475
网址:www.hksmartps.com www.cprce.com
微信:firetesting 或 17714189018
来源:防火网 发布时间:11/22/2024 点击次数:147
Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance (AVCP) 欧盟CE认证模式体系 AVCP 1+/1/2+/3+4 |