EAD 210046-00-1201 Thin metal composite sheet EAD 210046-00-1201薄金属复合板
薄金属复合板欧盟ETA认证适用于标准:EAD 210046-00-1201
The EAD applies to the thin metal composite sheet (hereafter TMCS). TMCS consists of two thin layers of a metallic skin, which are sandwiching a core in a continuous co-extrusion process. External face of metallic skin can be pre-coated or not. The joining of metallic skins with core is achieved either by adhesive film or a by binder (chemical and mechanical action). Total thickness of thin metal composite sheet is 2 – 8 mm.
The product is not covered by EN 14509, because thermal conductivity of its core is larger than specified one in Cl. 1 of EN 14509 and the product is not intended as self-supporting element. The product is not fully covered by ETAG 016 used as EAD. The product doesn’t comply with definition of self-supporting composite lightweight panel given in ETAG 016-1, Cl. 3.2, and assessment of durability of product complies with EOTA TR 038, which differs from ETAG 016. The product is not covered by EAD 090062 (ETAG 034 conversion) because in the EAD 090062 other extra assessments are considered for the TMCS taking into account the specific use as part of a cladding kit.
薄金属复合板用于内墙外墙和天花系统,欧盟ETA认证模式有3种: Reaction to fire: System 1 Fore external facade cladding: System 2+ All remaining uses and characteristics: System 3 ETA认证与CPR指令CE认证的关系
Under the CPR, harmonised technical specifications are harmonised European product standards (hENs) established by CEN/CENELEC2 or European Assessment Documents (EADs) produced by the European CPR指令认证的依据是建筑指令欧盟协调标准或欧盟评估文件(EADs)
European Organisation for Technical Approvals (EOTA) as the basis for issuing ETAs for products not covered by hENs.The harmonised technical specification for a product defines EEA-wide methods of assessing and declaring 对于没有被协调标准完全覆盖的建筑产品的认证,可以通过EOTA机构核发ETA认证证书(等同于CE认证书)。
TZUS是欧盟公告号机构,其欧盟公告号为1020(Notified Body 1020-NB1020)。可以根据欧盟相关规定来签发CE证书。 TZUS同时也是ETA(European Technical Approval)的认证委员之一,可以根据相关法规来签发ETA证书。