1. Reaction to fire 防火等级 2. Shear strength and shear modulus 剪切强度和模量 3. Creep coefficient 蠕变系数 4. Compressive strength or compressive stress 抗压强度或应力 5. Shear strength after long-term loading 长期荷载下剪切强度 6. Cross panel tensile strength 拉伸强度 7. Bending moment capacity and wrinkling stress 抗弯承载力和起皱压力 8. Bending moment capacity and wrinkling stress over a central support中心点支撑抗弯承载力和起皱压力 9. Thermal transmittance传热系数 10. Reduction of tensile strength with time as a consequence of ageing (durability) 抗张强度随老化时间的影响 - 耐久性 11. Resistance to point loads and access loads–ceiling panels and roofs 点荷载和使用荷载耐久性 12. Dimensional tolerances for sandwich panels 尺寸极限偏差
EN 14509:2013–建筑用金属保温夹芯板的3种认证体系
AVCP System 1模式:欧盟公告号初步型式测试,现场审核,欧盟公告号签发证书 AVCP System 3模式:欧盟公告号初步型式测试,欧盟公告号签发证书 AVCP System 4模式:初步型式检验,生产商自我声明