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EN ISO 9239-1:2010地
EN ISO 1182:2010
NF P 92-501
NF P 92-507
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EN ISO 9239-1
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首页   CPR认证   ETA认证小知识|ETA eligibility criteria 谁可以申请ETA认证

ETA认证小知识|ETA eligibility criteria 谁可以申请ETA认证

To apply for an ETA, the following three eligibility criteria set out in the Construction Products Regulation (CPR) need to be met.

You are a manufacturer, i.e. a natural or legal person who manufactures a construction product or who has such a product designed or manufactured, and markets it under his name or trademark. You can also request and ETA if you have been mandated by a manufacturer to act as his authorised representative and are established in the Union.
Your product is a construction product within the meaning of the CPR, i.e. any product or kit which is intended for permanent integration into the construction works or parts thereof and which has an effect on the performance of the construction works, namely  in terms of: their mechanical resistance and stability, safety in case of fire, indoor hygiene, health and the environment, safety and accessibility in use, thermal and sound insulation as well as sustainability.
The construction product is not or not fully covered by an existing harmonised standard.
Note: You can apply for an ETA if your product is only partially covered by a harmonised standard. For example, if the standard does not contain assessment methods for all essential characteristics you wish to declare or if the assessment method provided for in the harmonised standard is not appropriate for your product.


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网址:www.hksmartps.com    www.cprce.com 
微信:firetesting  或 17714189018


 来源:防火网  发布时间:3/22/2024  点击次数:298

 上一条: ETA认证小知识|欧盟EAD技术规范标准与CE认证

 下一条: EN 13984防水柔性板欧盟CE认证(欧盟公告号CE认证)
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