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EN ISO 9239-1:2010地
EN ISO 1182:2010
NF P 92-501
NF P 92-507
EN ISO 1182
EN ISO 9239-1
EN 13501-1
首页   CPR认证   Applying for an ETA is easy 申请ETA很容易(南京睿督)

Applying for an ETA is easy 申请ETA很容易(南京睿督)


Apply for an ETA

Applying for an ETA is easy. Select a Technical Assessment Body (TAB) as a partner for your ETA. The TAB will then initiate a 5-step process for you (see below).

On a side note: Your direct counterpart and partner for the ETA will be the TAB of your choice. You cannot request an ETA directly from EOTA. EOTA acts as the 'coordinator behind the scenes' linking all TABs.

1. Application

The manufacturer requests an ETA from a TAB designated for the relevant product area.

The TAB provides the manufacturer with an ETA request form to fill in with:

type and description of the construction product
its essential characteristics and intended use
indication if the construction product is not or not fully covered by a harmonised standard or an EAD
declaration that an application has not been introduced to another TAB before.
See tips on how to fill in the ETA request form below.

2. Service contract

The TAB checks the request form and provides the applicant with its general terms and a quotation. Both parties sign a service contract including an agreement of confidentiality and commercial secrecy.

In cases where the product is not or not fully covered by an existing EAD, the TAB will in parallel initiate the development of an EAD within EOTA.

Note: If the product is covered by a harmonised standard, an ETA cannot be issued (see full eligibility criteria below).

3. Manufacturers' Technical File (MTF)

The manufacturer provides the TAB with a comprehensive technical file of the construction product to be assessed. The MTF is covered by the confidentiality and commercial secrecy agreement.

Note: Especially in the case of innovations and further developments of products, we recommend that you speak to your TAB before investing to a great extent in testing (see tips for testing below).

4. Work and assessment programme

If a new European Assessment Document (EAD) is needed or an existing one needs to be amended, the TAB and the manufacturer determine and agree on the work and assessment programme. This programme will take into consideration the product characteristics that the manufacturer wants to declare performance on and the relevant and available harmonised technical specifications.

5. Issuing of ETA

When the results of the test carried out on the basis of the EAD are available, the TAB will draw up a draft ETA that will be shared with the applicant as well as the other designated TABs in the relevant product area for feedback. Based on this feedback, the TAB will then issue the ETA.

The ETA is the basis for the Declaration of Performance (DoP) which the manufacturer is required to draw up before CE-marking the product.


南京睿督公司咨询电话:025-8658 3475    400-603-6575
网址:www.hksmartps.com    www.cprce.com 
微信:firetesting  或 17714189018


 来源:防火网  发布时间:3/21/2024  点击次数:282

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