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首页   CPR认证   EN 13964 CE Marking for Suspended Ceilings

EN 13964 CE Marking for Suspended Ceilings

EN 13964 Suspended Ceilings – Requirements and Test Methods.

The essential characteristics for suspended ceilings are laid down in the harmonized product standard EN 13964 "Suspended Ceilings – Requirements and Test Methods". The relevant characteristics are shown in the Declaration of Performance which allows CE marking of the product.


CE stands for Conformité Européenne, which translated literally, means “European Conformity”.

The CE mark is a products “passport” for entry into the EEA (European Economic Area) and indicates that the product complies with the requirements of the applicable European Directive.

For construction products the European Directive was the Construction Products Directive (89/106/EEC), however, this has been replaced by the Construction Products Regulations (305/2011/EU) which came into full force on 1st July 2013.

The CPR states that the construction works as a whole and in their separate parts must be fit for their intended use, and subject to normal maintenance, they must satisfy the basic requirements for construction works which are:

Mechanical resistance and stability;
Safety in case of fire;
Hygiene, health and the environment;
Safety and accessibility in use;
Protection against noise;
Energy economy and heat retention;
Sustainable use of natural resources.
The essential characteristics for specific construction products are laid down in harmonized technical specifications and for suspended ceilings these are defined in EN 13964 Suspended Ceilings – Requirements and Test Methods.

This product standard identifies the essential characteristics for the different types of suspended ceiling components and determines how they must be tested and classified. It also indicates how the manufacturer must declare the products performance and ensure that their products maintain these levels of performance on an ongoing basis. This is achieved by the issuing of a Declaration of Performance, a key document allowing CE marking of the product.

Most Armstrong products are Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance system 1, which means that the declared performance is confirmed by an independent notified body and validated by a Certificate of Constancy of Performance.

建筑产品CE认证  http://www.hksmartps.com/ce/

For more information on CE Marking, Please Contact +86 25 8358 3475
Mail: info@hksmartps.com
Website : www. Hksmartps.com

 来源:防火网  发布时间:8/31/2018  点击次数:2196

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