CAN/ULC-S127标准为加拿大防火标准,当采用CAN/ULC-S102和CAN/ULC-S10.2.2标准检测建筑材料表面燃烧特性而不能得出火焰前沿移动的明确数据时,可以采用此法作为补充。南京睿督公司携手加拿大EXOVA实验室为您提供专业权威的CAN/ULC-S127防火燃烧性能测试。南京睿督公司咨询电话:025-8658 3475。
加拿大CAN/ULC-S127 ULC-S127-M1988:非熔性建筑材料的易燃性测试(室角法) ULC-S127-M1988:Standard Corner Wall Method of Test for Flammability Characteristics of Non-Melting Building Materials
ULC-S127-M1988摘要 This method of test for flammability characteristics is applicable to certain low density insulating materials that do not melt or drip during exposure to fire (see Appendix A). It is used in establishing the Flame Spread Classification for those foamed plastics whose flammability assessment by CAN/ULC-S102 requires the use of the rate formula FSV = 92.5 d/t but where the necessary parameters ('d' & 't') for use in the formula are difficult to define.
加拿大CAN/ULC-S127测试方法 CAN/ULC-S127所用的样品为燃烧室内的天花板、两面墙壁及上侧板。燃烧室为立方形室,内边长1.3m。CAN/ULC-S127测试时间为直至上侧板下面出现火焰或棉线断裂;但自点燃源被点燃算起,试验时间不能超过5分钟。试验结果是测定上侧板下面出现火焰的时间或棉线断裂的时间t,并计算材料的火焰传播等级FSC3。
相关阅读: ASTM E84火焰表面燃烧测试 CAN/ULC-S102火焰表面燃烧测试
更多防火阻燃测试认证,请咨询中国防火网 电话:400-666-7290 025-8658 3475 网址 邮箱