英国伦敦地铁协会London Underground Limited (LUL)。London Underground Limited (LUL), Category: Cat 1, Number: 2-01001-002, Issue Number: A2, Issue date: December 2008 英国伦敦地铁协会防火测试。
Smoke emission 烟释放量的测试 Toxic fume emission 有毒气体的测试 Flammability testing 燃烧测试 Fire Propagation testing 火焰传播指数测试 Surface Spread of flame 火焰表面延伸等级测试
地铁用材料必须满足英国地铁协会防火标准LUL 2-01001-002:Issue A2: December 2008标准中的烟释放量的测试,有毒气体的测试,燃烧测试要求。
伦敦地铁协会LUL 1-085相关测试标准:
SI 1989/1401: The fire precautions (Sub-Surface Railway Stations) Regulations 1989
BS EN 4589-3: Plastics. Determination of burning behaviour by oxygen index. Elevated temperature test.
BS 6853: code of practice for fire precautions in the design and construction of passenger carrying trains.
BS EN 50266-2-4: Common test methods for cables under fire conditions. Test for vertical flame spread of vertically mounted bunched wired or cables. Part 2-4: Procedures. Category C
BS EN 50266-2-5: Common test methods for cables under fire conditions. Test for vertical flame spread of vertically mounted bunched wired or cables. Part 2-5:Procedures.Small cables. Category D
BS EN ISO 4589-2: Plastics. Determination of burning behaviour by oxygen index. Part 2: Ambient temperature test.
BS EN 13501-1:Fire classification of construction products and building elements—Part 1 Classification using test date from reaction to fire tests.
更多伦敦地铁协会LUL 1-085防火阻燃测试,请联系中国防火网
伦敦市组织了交通委员会征集方案,律师查尔斯 皮尔森提出了修建“伦敦中央火车站”的设想,他认为只要火车通到城市中心就可以从根本上解决交通拥堵的问题。而一群承包商提出的要在伦敦修建一条地下道路的设想:他们认为人和车完全可以在地下通行。这两个想法结合了起来形成了我们今天所熟悉的地铁的概念。
更多伦敦地铁协会LUL 1-085防火阻燃测试,请联系中国防火网
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