UL 94:1996 设备和器具部件用塑料材料易燃性的试验.Tests for flammability of plastic materials for parts in devices and appliance.
ASTM D635-06 Standard test method for rate of burning and/or extent and time of burning of plastics in horizontal position. 自撑塑料在水平状态时的燃烧速率及时间的试验方法.
BS EN ISO 9773:1999 Plastics-Determination of burning behaviour of thin flexible vertical specimen 塑料,与小火源接触的薄型垂直软样件的燃烧性能的测定.
BS 5803-4:1985 Thermal insulation for use in pitched roof spaces in dwellings-methods for determining flammability and resistance to smouldering.斜屋顶空间隔热,第4部分:易燃性和耐火性测试方法.