DMT GmbH & Co. KG is an independent engineering and consulting company which specialises in the sectors of natural resources exploration, product testing and building safety, construction and infrastructure, mining and cokemaking technology as well as industrial testing and measuring technology.
About us
DMT was formed in 1990 by the merger of three engineering organisations whose roots extend way back to 1737. Our aim at DMT is to further develop the technical and scientific experience accumulated over the years in these companies and apply it to satisfy our customers needs.
DMT国内技术支持电话: 400-666-7290,专业为您提供有关德国DIN5510-2铁路机车材料的防火烟雾毒性测试的标准咨询、性能分析,培训、技术支持等。
DIN 5510-2: Preventive fire protection in railway vehicles; Part 2: Fire behaviour and fire side effects of materials and parts, classification, requirement and test methods.
DIN 5510-2: 火车材料和部件燃烧性能和并发现象,分类,要求和测试方法.