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« 长沙地铁车辆防火安全按照德标DIN5510-2标准要求生产设计 中国防火网玻璃钢管IMO ResolutionA.753(18)测试 »

BS6853:1999 table 10 testing for seat shell (back and base)

Seat shell (back and base) for bs6853 testing according to BS6853:1999 table 10. BS 6853:1999: Code of practice for fire precautions in the design and construction of passenger carrying trains (Firete.com).

BS 6853:1999 Table 10 seat shell (back and base) test item
BS476-7: Surface Spread of Flame
BS476-6: Fire propagation
BS6853 Annex D.8.4: Smoke density test (Panel test)
BS6853 Annex B.2: Toxicity test

BS6853:1999 table 10 Classification of vehicle categories
The three categories are served by different tiers of performance which represent differences in the perceived likelihood and scale of ignition and the hazard which may result when it occurs.
BS6853:1999 table 10 Category Ⅰa:Substantial operating periods in a single track runnel with no side exits to a walkway and escape shafts, or sleeper vehicles which operate underground for significant periods, or trains that operate without staff.

BS6853:1999 table 10 Category Ⅰb:Substantial operating periods in a multi-track tunnel, or a tunnel with side exits to a walkway and escape shafts, or sleeper vehicles which do not operate underground for significant periods.

BS6853:1999 table 10 Category Ⅱ:Surface stock with no substantial operating periods in tunnels.

BS6853:1999 table 10 Category Ⅰa requirements:
BS476-6 testing i≤6 and I≤12;
BS476-7 testing Class 1;
BS6853 Annex D Ao(ON) ≤2.6 and BS6853 Annex D Ao(OFF) ≤3.9;
BS6853 Annex B, R≤1.0

More British standard BS6853, Can contact Firete.com
Tel: +86 400 666 7290  +86 25 8658 3475
Website: www.fire-test.com.
Mail: info@fire-test.com

TIP: BS6853 standard   http://www.firete.com/en/fire_standard/railway/161.html

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