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BS 6853:1999标准, BS6853表格4--车外水平朝上表面(地面材料)的测试内容

来源于:中国防火网 www.firete.com

 BS 6853:1999车外地面材料(如铝蜂窝板,杜热毯和PVC地板等配件材料)防火测试
BS6853:1999: Code of practice for fire precautions in the design and construction of passenger carrying trains

BS 6853:1999标准, BS6853表格3--车内水平朝下表面(天花板)的测试内容

来源于:中国防火网 www.firete.com

 BS 6853:1999车内天花板材料(如涂料,铝蜂窝板,胶粘剂、铝塑板等配件材料)防火测试。
BS6853:1999: Code of practice for fire precautions in the design and construction of passenger carrying trains

最权威的DIN53438测试 DIN5510小元件S1等级测试 DIN5510-2

DIN 53438小元件的S1燃烧等级测试

 DIN 53438-1:1984 Testing of combustible materials; response to ignition by a small flame; general date. 可燃材料试验—用小火焰点火--一般数据

NF F 31-112:1994-12

NF F 31-112:1994-12 Railway rolling stock--Protection in relation to graffiti-Tests procedures and methods of valuation, behaviour of materials and products of expulsion.

General principle




1.标准名称-- DIN4102-14
DIN4102-14:1990 Fire behaviour of building materials and elements; determination of the burning behaviour of floor covering systems using a radiant heat source.

DIN 4102-1:1998建筑材料防火性能要求和测试分类/DIN4102等级划分

1. 标准名称-- DIN 4102-1
DIN 4102-1: Fire behaviour of building materials and elements, Part 1: Classification of building materials requirements and testing.

DIN 4102-1: 建筑材料及构件的防火性能—第1部分:建筑材料要求和测试的分类等级。

BS 6853 Annex B:毒性测试/ BS 6853 Annex B测试机构—BRE实验室BS6853

针对BS6853英国载客列车设计与构造防火通用规范,有两种不同的毒性测试方法被用来测试材料所产生的烟雾毒性。现在与您分享BS 6853 Annex B毒性测试标准内容。这两种测试方法如下。BRE是世界领先的第三方防火测试、消防工程等测试认证机构。

 BS 6853 Annex B.1: 基于质量的试验方法(NF X 70-100),该方法用于小区域材料(表7和表8),织物(表11)和电缆(表13和表14)。

BS476-6:1989+A1:2009产品火焰传播指数测试方法- Exova威灵顿/惠灵顿BS476-6

建材产品/建材、动车、火车、地铁材料的防火性能,可以通过BS476-6火焰传播指数大小来评估,现在与您分享BS476-6标准内容。Bodycote Warringtonfire 现更名为Exova Warringtonfire(中文名称:威灵顿/惠灵顿)是世界领先的第三方防火测试、消防工程等测试认证机构。

 BS476-6: Fire tests on building materials and structures- Part 6: Method of test for fire propagation for products.



 BS476-7: Fire tests on building materials and structures-Part 7 method of test to determine the classification of the surface spread of flame of products.

BS476-7:1997阻燃等级测试/BS476-7测试机构- Bodycote Warringtonfire威灵顿BS476-7

评估建材产品/建材、动车、火车、地铁材料的火焰表面延伸等级测试,一般通过BS476-7标准进行测试及评估。现在与您分享BS476-7标准内容。Bodycote Warringtonfire 现更名为Exova Warringtonfire(中文名称:威灵顿/惠灵顿)是世界领先的第三方防火测试、消防工程等测试认证机构。

 BS476-7: Fire tests on building materials and structures-Part 7 method of test to determine the classification of the surface spread of flame of products.


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